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technical problem when inputting --- urgent

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Old   November 3, 2010, 01:29
Default technical problem when inputting --- urgent
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Yun Kang
Join Date: Nov 2010
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Hi All,

I am having problem when using GUI of my CFD solver. The input panel can only display part of the options/buttons. I have maximized the panel to the size of my computer screen but some buttons are still invisible due to the size limit.

There is no scrolling bar aside for me to use.

The input panel cannot be bigger than the computer screen and it can not be moved out of the computer screen.

I have set the screen resolution to the highest: 1388 X 768. Nothing changed.

Can anyone help? It is urgent.


Yun Kang
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Old   November 4, 2010, 03:21
Andy Jones
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If possible update your video card driver. That may not be possible on some Linux versions. Updating a Linux driver might require downloading a linux source file and adding commands and scripts to build a driver. Or there may be a driver already built for your Linux version. Linux uses RPM or Deb stype packages , generally.
RPM is RPM is Red Hat, OpenSuse, and Deb is Debian or Ubuntu. So if it a Debian based Linux version , try a Deb update, If it is Red Hat, try an RPM package.

Before you try to update the video card driver, go to your monitor control panel and check all of your settings. Start out with 800 x 600 and then go to 1024 x 768.
Check to make sure you are using correct font sizes in addition to screen resolution.
The cfd program may also have some settings for screen resolution, so read the manual to see if there are any.
If in Linux check to see if you have all the updates and dependencies (example: you may need ghostscript, or microsoft fonts) to your operating system installed that might affect the video card.

What CFD program are you using and what operating system? What video card and cpu speed, system memory?

If you are using an LCD monitor, do you have any drivers you need to install for it?

Does the LCD monitor itself have controls that you activate and set on the back or front of the monitor?

Do you have your video card cable going to the monitor plugged into the right spot? LCD monitors can not always be plugged into the same plug as a CRT monitor, and some may require a HDMI cable.(Check your LCD manual) and be plugged into an HDMI plugin. You may need a cable adapter for your LCD monitor to video card.
There may be more than one place to plug in a video cable

Check your LCD monitor for controls first, then check your screen resolution and font settings and video software package dependencies next, update the video card driver if all else fails.

good luck
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Old   November 4, 2010, 06:55
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If you are using STAR then you are out of luck. I believe, at least the older versions, were built around 1280x1024 the then standard UNIX display size.

You will need to install virtual display software that creates a virtual display bigger than the physical display so you can pan to the parts of the screen that you cannot currently see.
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