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Reynolds Stress Models

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Old   April 21, 2010, 17:38
Default Reynolds Stress Models
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
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Jade M is on a distinguished road
What is the difference between the omega-based Reynolds Stress Models, i.e. Omega and BSL Reynolds Stress Models? I read that the difference is similar to that of standard k-omega versus BSL k-omega. However, I do not have enough of an understanding to extrapolate this to RSM.

Also, is EARSM considered a two-equation model not a Reynolds Stress Model?

Lastly, what is the difference between the epsilon-based Reynolds Stress Models, i.e. SSG, LRR-IP and LRR-QI?

I seem to have gathered some random information about the epsilon-based models but I haven't been very successful. So far, I've found
* SSG (Speziale, Sarkar, Gatski) Reynolds Stress
e-based; should be better than k-e in theory but may not be better in practice; some of the deficiencies for the simulation of boundary layers are inherited from the underlying k-e equation such as inaccurate prediction of flow separation; uses anisotropic eddy viscosity using the k-e equation; generally more accurate than LLR versions of the model especially for swirling flows
* EARSM (Explicit Algebraic Reynolds Stress Model)
Extension of k-e and BSL to capture effects of secondary flows and flows with streamline curvature and system rotation.
* LRR-IP (Launder, Reece and Rodi – Isotropization of Production) Reynolds Stress
e-based; Included for historic reasons but not better than SSG; this model is simpler than LLR-QI and SSG; based on e equation
* LRR-QI (Quasi-Isotropic) Reynolds Stress
e-based; included for historic reasons but not better than SSG

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm trying to get up to speed as quickly as I can!

Thanks so much.

Last edited by Jade M; April 21, 2010 at 18:45.
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