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CFD in aerospace/defense?

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Old   October 19, 2010, 04:49
Posts: n/a
so it seems that the general consensus is that the skill sets matters more than the name of the degree. However, after doing some more thinking, I've realized that my passions academically lie in theoretical physics (eg quantum physics) as opposed to aerospace engineering or applied math. Fluid dynamics, such as turbulence modeling, isn't very interesting to me unless its used for something like missiles

However, since of course the job opportunities for theoretical physicists are slim, I thought an R&D career doing CFD of the aerodynamics of missiles and rockets would be something interesting. However, not many fields of physics use fluid dynamics, other than possibly nonlinear plasma and astrophysics. But my main interests are in materials, atomic/nuclear, and astrophysics. Has anyone heard of someone getting hired to do CFD of missiles with an astrophysics phD? What about in materials science?
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