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HAVC and office comfort simulatio

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Old   March 28, 2004, 12:49
Default HAVC and office comfort simulatio
Posts: n/a
Hello all,

We have found that for office comfort simulation, the most important two things are:

1 - Low (nearly 0.1 m/s) velocity blowing in your face or in your neck

2 - Humidity between 35 and 45%.

The reason for this humidity level is:

enthalpy of humid air is "sucking" more energy. Same effect as in a room, if you touch a table of steel it will feel colder than a table of plastic. Humid air "feels" colder and requires more energy to elevate temperature. For example a subject will feel colder in 10deg.C humid than in a 1 degC dry air. The humidity has more influnce than the temperature on comfort.

To apply this to cfd simulation, has anyone reference about enthlapy, viscosity, of air as function of humidity & temperature?

Thank you

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