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CFD output question

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Old   December 12, 2009, 13:26
Default CFD output question
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Kristof Neutens
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Moonlighter is on a distinguished road
Hellow everyone,

I'm new to this forum so I'll introduce myself,
I'm a student at the University of Ghent and I'm writing my thesis about water leakage through building facades.
For my thesis I'm investigating how to develop parameters for lab tests.

So now my question is, If you imput for example a building in a CFD software package, you set your windspeed parameters and building geometrie...
What exactly can you get out of the model as output ?
The pressure on you facades ? Impact of wind gusts ? Cp value of the building? And what is the output ? Values ? A spreadsheat ?

I'm a total noob at CFD software and to be honest I don't really have the time to learn to know the program that well...
So it would be superb if someone could help me...
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Old   December 12, 2009, 17:25
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Ahmed is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
Hellow everyone,

I'm new to this forum so I'll introduce myself,
I'm a student at the University of Ghent and I'm writing my thesis about water leakage through building facades.
For my thesis I'm investigating how to develop parameters for lab tests.

So now my question is, If you imput for example a building in a CFD software package, you set your windspeed parameters and building geometrie...
What exactly can you get out of the model as output ?
The pressure on you facades ? Impact of wind gusts ? Cp value of the building? And what is the output ? Values ? A spreadsheat ?

I'm a total noob at CFD software and to be honest I don't really have the time to learn to know the program that well...
So it would be superb if someone could help me...
All available CFD programmes (commercial or open source) solve for the Navier Stokes equations (Momentum equation, energy equation and conservation of matter (wrongly well known as the continuity equation)) So what output do you expect solving these equations?
Remember, the mass diffusion equation and the energy equation have the same mathematical form (substitute C for T)
Search for specialised unpublished programmes, check the DOE web site
Good Luck
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Old   December 21, 2009, 15:29
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Abraham Jaimes Hernandez
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Well, you say you're a novice, I recommend using FLUENT, this software is relatively easy to use and allows fluid dynamic model has capabilities to simulate mass transport and energy. The problem is that it costs too much, about 3000 dollars.
OpenFOAM is open source, is very powerful but difficult to use.
So if you want I can help you, at my university (UNAM) have access to fluent 12, but just tell me that this is your problem.
my email is
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