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Scope of CFD in aerospace engineering

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Old   January 11, 2004, 14:12
Default Scope of CFD in aerospace engineering
Apoorva L
Posts: n/a
Hi friends, i wanted opinion on this particular query, iam doing my masters in automotive engg and iam very interested in making a shift to aerospace engg, I wanna do a project in CFD, my query is a project in CFD sufficient to make a shift to aerospace engineerin given my masters in automotive background, Iam pretty good in FEA DO U think that doing a masters proj in CFD or FEA may enable a total shift please mail me on this address, i would be grateful for ur valuable advice at this strategic point of my career plz advise me
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Old   January 12, 2004, 08:55
Default Re: Scope of CFD in aerospace engineering
Posts: n/a
I'm in the aerospace industry and to be honest, the majority of people in aerospace are mechanical engineers. A few are aeronautical, but they are reserved to specific jobs. Only a few areas are reserved to air flow and airframes. The majority of aerospace work is internal to the aircraft (e.g. valves, solonoids, electrics, engine (turbine or jet). You will need to think of what area of aerospace you want to be sure of whether what qualifications or experience you need. For example, in this competative day, the aircraft industry is having to move towards a more 'automotive' view of manufacturing. Hope this helps.
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Old   April 6, 2011, 15:25
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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pritish is an unknown quantity at this point

I am new to this CFD online.....I will get straight to my point..

First of all a brief Intro -

I have done my bachelors in Mechanical Engineering.
During my 6th semester..I started taking intrest in Aerodynamics...
I completed my bachelors in 2008....nd was into job within a month.
Worked in ANSA/Hypermesh/Nastran for NVH modelling and analysis for Powertrain Components(By the way I work for a major French Automobile Company in India).
After 2 and half years....I am into Powertrain CFD....for flow calculation..using StarCD Pro AMM..

I want to do Masters & PHD in Aerospace engineering(Because of the sole reason that I want to gain knowledge in Aerodynamics,Experimental CFD,Fluid Dynamics)....Basically i want to learn as much as I can on Aerodynamics...

I have short listed some of the U.S universities..based on -

1. Tution fees(coz of budget constraint)

2.Research areas and facilities my primary objective is to learn Aerodynamics,Experimental CFD,Fluid Dynamics

3.Courses of studies and Elective available.

But still i have concers over my short listed Universities.

But I want to get some info. regarding any other Universities basically from Europe where I can pursue my masters and PHD based on my above mentioned 3 criterias of selection.

Please help me out with this..Thank You.
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