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Drag on non-infinite cylinder between parallel walls

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Old   September 10, 2009, 14:01
Default Drag on non-infinite cylinder between parallel walls
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Join Date: May 2009
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deltaquattro is on a distinguished road

I'm looking for correlations which give the drag coefficient on a circular cylinder of diameter D and length L, confined between parallel walls: the incoming flow is in the x direction, the axis of the cylinder is along the y direction, the two walls are respectively at y=0 and y=L, and the flow is unbounded in the z direction. Obviously in the limit D/L -> +infinity, this reduces to the classical flow around a 2D (or infinite) circular cylinder.

I wasn't able to find any correlations for the case in which D/L is finite and small (between 0.5 and 4, let's say). I only found something when the axis of the cylinder is along x, e.g a cylinder "suspended" between the walls, with the flow impacting on one of its bases.

I'm sure this is a problem which has been already treated a billion of times, so there must be some data. Can you point me to some references? Thank you,

Best Regards

Sergio Rossi

ps I'm even more interested in the case when you have an infinite array of cylinders in the z direction, separated by a distance H...
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