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August 14, 2009, 13:05 |
Need Help in Debugging Matlab Code
#1 |
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Hi guys...Im trying to formulate a mathematical model, which was already proposed in a paper using matlab for my B.Tech final year project work.I finished most of the coding part and when i try to run the code i get an error,which i'm unaware of.
clear %chan = ddeinit('excel', 'Sheet1'); R=.02%input('enter the value of inside radius :'); Ro=.03; l=0.5%input('enter the value of length of heat source:'); %input('enter the length of pipe:'); l1=0.1%input('enter lengh between two heat source:'); Te=20%input('enter the value of free stream temperature:'); q=1000%input('enter the value of heat flux:'); U=5%input('enter free stream velocty:'); k=12%input('enter the value of thermal conductivity ofi inside fluid:'); kw=12; alpha=.01%input('enter the value of thermal difusivity of inside fluid:'); alpha1=4*alpha; a=input('enter no of grid in radial directon must be odd no:'); b=input('enter no of grid in axial direction :'); n=input('enter no of heat sources on periphery:'); er=input('enter value of max possible percentage error:'); s=input('enter relaxatation factor around 1.05:') Pe=U*2*R/alpha deln1=(Ro/R)/(a-1); L=n*(l+l1); c=L/(R*(b-1)); K=kw/k; A1=alpha/alpha1; h=0; delt(1,1)=0; Nu=0; g=((a-1)*(R/Ro)+1) warning off all for i=1:a for j=1:b % T(i,j)=Te; %t(i,j)=(T(i,j)-Te)/(q*R/k); t(i,j)=0.1; end end format long g erfmx=10; erf=1; erf1=0; itn=1; while(er<erfmx) erfmx=0; for i=1:a for j=1:b if j==1 t(i,1)=0; end tn(i,b)=0; if j>1 && j<b if i==1 X=Pe*c + 1; Y=Pe*c + 2; tn(i,j)=(t(i,j+1)+X*t(i,j-1))/Y; end if i>1 && i<((a-1)*(R/Ro)+1) A=(Pe*(1-(((i-1)*Ro)/((a-1)*R))^2))/c + 2*((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + 2/c^2 + (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(i-1); B=((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 - (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(2*(i-1)); C=((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(2*(i-1)); D=(Pe*(1-(((i-1)*Ro)/((a-1)*R))^2))/c + 1/c^2; E=1/c^2; tn(i,j)=(B*t(i-1,j)+C*t(i+1,j)+D*t(i,j-1)+E*t(i,j+1))/A; end if i==((a-1)*(R/Ro)+1) A=(Pe*(1-(((i-1)*Ro)/((a-1)*R))^2))/c + 2*((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + 2/c^2 + (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(i-1); B=((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 - (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(2*(i-1)); C=((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(2*(i-1)); D=(Pe*(1-(((i-1)*Ro)/((a-1)*R))^2))/c + 1/c^2; E=1/c^2; x=(L/(b-1))*(j-1); o=3; if x>(o-1)*(l+l1) && x<=(o*l+(o-1)*l1) tn(i,j)=(B*t(i-1,j)+C*(t(i-1,j)+2/(a-1))+D*t(i,j-1)+E*t(i,j+1))/A; end if x<=(o-1)*(l+l1) && x>(o*l+(o-1)*l1) tn(i,j)=((B+C)*t(i-1,j)+D*t(i,j-1)+E*t(i,j+1))/A; end end if i>((a-1)*(R/Ro)+1) && i<a A=(Pe*(1-(((i-1)*Ro)/((a-1)*R))^2))/c + 2*((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + 2/c^2 + (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(i-1); B=((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 - (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(2*(i-1)); C=((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(2*(i-1)); D=(Pe*(1-(((i-1)*Ro)/((a-1)*R))^2))/c + 1/c^2; E=1/c^2; tn(i,j)=(B*t(i-1,j)+C*t(i+1,j)+E*(t(i,j-1)+t(i,j+1)))/(2*((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + 2/c^2); end if i==a A=(Pe*(1-(((i-1)*Ro)/((a-1)*R))^2))/c + 2*((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + 2/c^2 + (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(i-1); B=((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 - (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(2*(i-1)); C=((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(2*(i-1)); D=(Pe*(1-(((i-1)*Ro)/((a-1)*R))^2))/c + 1/c^2; E=1/c^2; x=(L/(b-1))*(j-1); o=3; if x>(o-1)*(l+l1) && x<=(o*l+(o-1)*l1) tn(i,j)=(B*t(i-1,j)+C*(Ro/(R*(a-1))+t(i-1,j))+E*(t(i,j-1)+t(i,j+1)))/(2*((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + 2/c^2); end if x<=(o-1)*(l+l1) && x>(o*l+(o-1)*l1) tn(i,j)=((B+C)*t(i-1,j)+E*(t(i,j-1)+t(i,j+1)))/(2*((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + 2/c^2); end end end if j==b if i==1 tn(i,j)=t(1,j-1); end if i>1 && i<((a-1)*(R/Ro)+1) A=(Pe*(1-(((i-1)*Ro)/((a-1)*R))^2))/c + 2*((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + 2/c^2 + (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(i-1); B=((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 - (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(2*(i-1)); C=((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(2*(i-1)); D=(Pe*(1-(((i-1)*Ro)/((a-1)*R))^2))/c + 1/c^2; E=1/c^2; tn(i,j)=(B*t(i-1,j)+(D+E)*t(i,j-1)+ C*t(i+1,j))/A; end if i==((a-1)*(R/Ro)+1) A=(Pe*(1-(((i-1)*Ro)/((a-1)*R))^2))/c + 2*((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + 2/c^2 + (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(i-1); B=((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 - (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(2*(i-1)); C=((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(2*(i-1)); D=(Pe*(1-(((i-1)*Ro)/((a-1)*R))^2))/c + 1/c^2; E=1/c^2; tn(i,j)=((B+C)*t(i-1,j)+(D+E)*t(i,j-1))/A; end if i>((a-1)*(R/Ro)+1) && i<a A=(Pe*(1-(((i-1)*Ro)/((a-1)*R))^2))/c + 2*((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + 2/c^2 + (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(i-1); B=((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 - (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(2*(i-1)); C=((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(2*(i-1)); D=(Pe*(1-(((i-1)*Ro)/((a-1)*R))^2))/c + 1/c^2; E=1/c^2; tn(i,j)=(B*t(i-1,j)+C*t(i+1,j)+2*E*t(i,j-1))/(2*((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + 2/c^2); end if i==a A=(Pe*(1-(((i-1)*Ro)/((a-1)*R))^2))/c + 2*((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + 2/c^2 + (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(i-1); B=((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 - (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(2*(i-1)); C=((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + (((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2)/(2*(i-1)); D=(Pe*(1-(((i-1)*Ro)/((a-1)*R))^2))/c + 1/c^2; E=1/c^2; tn(i,j)=((B+C)*t(i-1,j)+2*E*t(i,j-1))/(2*((a-1)*(R/Ro))^2 + 2/c^2); end end erf=abs(((tn(i,j)-t(i,j))/(tn(i,j)+t(i,j)))*200); t(i,j)=(1-s)*t(i,j)+s*tn(i,j); if erf>erfmx erfmx=erf; end itn=itn+1; end end itn=itn+1; end itn; t'; erfmx; t; T= t*(q*R/k)+Te; itn h=(Ro/R)/(a-1); v(1)=0; f(1)=0; s=f(1); for j=1:b for i=2:2:g-2 v(i)=(i-1)*(Ro/R)/(a-1); f(i)=(v(i)-v(i)^3)*t(i,j); s=s+4*f(i); v(i+1)=(i)*(Ro/R)/(a-1); f(i+1)=(v(i+1)-v(i+1)^3)*t(i+1,j); s=s+2*f(i+1); end i=g-1; v(g-1)=(g-2)*h; p=(g-2)*h; s=s+4*(v(g-1)-(v(g-1)^3))*t(i,j); s=s; sum=1*s/(3*(g-1)); i=g; tb(i,j)=4*sum; delt(i,j)=t(g,j)-tb(i,j); Nu(i,j)=0; x=(L/(b-1))*(j-1); o=3; if x>(o-1)*(l+l1)&& x<= (o*l+(o-1)*l1) Q(i,j)=1; Nu(i,j)=2*(Ro/R)*Q(i,j)/delt(i,j); end end Nu; tb; delt; fid=fopen('D:\matlabresult\hs1.txt','wt') fprintf(fid,'radius nonrad inc axis ndaxis incx temp nondt Nu delt tb\n'); for i=1:a n1(i)=(i-1)/(a-1); r(i)=n1(i)*R; for j=1:b x(j)= (L/(b-1))*(j-1); xi(j)=x(j)/R; rt=[r(i);n1(i);i;x(j);xi(j);j;T(i,j);t(i,j);Nu(i,j);delt(i,j);tb(i,j)]; % csvwrite('rk.txt',rt); %[c,h]=contour(x,r,T); %set(h,'ShowText','on','TextStep',get(h,'LevelStep')*2) %colormap cool %o=((i-1)*b)+j; %xlabel('x') %ylabel('r') %clabel(cs) fprintf(fid,'%1.4f %2.4f %3d %1.4f %2.4f %3d %6.4f %1.4f %1.2f %1.2f %1.2f\n',rt); end end fclose(fid); When i use a value of 0.02 for Ro the code is working fine without any errors.The error starts popping only for Ro=0.03. Can some one please help me out in debugging this code.I would be thankful if some one can do so Thanking You Prahallada J Last edited by Prahallada; August 14, 2009 at 13:22. |
August 14, 2009, 14:27 |
#2 |
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
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In the line above, (g-1) must be a real, positive integer (it can't be 1.222 or 4.11). Your formulations for g, R, Ro, a: a= an integer R=.02 Ro=.03; g=((a-1)*(R/Ro)+1) So, when Ro=0.02, "g" works out to be an integer, otherwise, it's not. So, make it a multiple of R. |
August 15, 2009, 04:30 |
#3 |
New Member
Join Date: Aug 2009
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Thanks a lot dude.....
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