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What is the optimal (economically and user friendly) CFD software for my application?

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Old   August 10, 2009, 06:30
Smile What is the optimal (economically and user friendly) CFD software for my application?
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Rame is on a distinguished road
Dear All,

I am working in the Cement industry. I would like to use CFD for my design. I have seen few CFD providing companies in the internet but I do not know which is optimal for my application(economically and user friendly).

1) I would like to improve efficiency of Process Duct design, Bag Houses and Cyclones in terms of reducing pressure drop.

which is the better CFD software for this application?

2) As next step, to use to get a better mixture of different gases and improve (burner with coal and gas used in the process industry) burner efficiency.

Which software better for both application?

I don’t need to use CFD software for aerospace or marine and other applications.

I appreciate your help.

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bagfilter, cement, chemical, cyclones, process

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