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URANS and Transient Simulations

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Old   October 1, 2003, 04:54
Default URANS and Transient Simulations
Posts: n/a
Hi, I was wondering if someone could explain something to me. I'm a CFX user, but decided to post the question on this forum as it is a little more general. Can someone explain to me th edifference between URANS simulations and a Transient RANS simulation (ideally with respect to the CFX code). Also how does LES fit into this picture of simulation types.

As I understand it we have at one level RANS simulations that use turbulence models then we have LES simulations that solve the turbulence at large scales but at small (subgrid) scales it uses a model to calculate the turbulence. Then we ave Unsteady RANS simulations. What are these ? Are they just RANS simulations with some sort or fluctuating term added to the turbulence model (which is time dependent ?)?

Any help would be appreciated. Cheers and thanks

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