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Which is the best CFD Program?

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Old   August 8, 2003, 06:32
Default Which is the best CFD Program?
Peter Specht
Posts: n/a
Hi, this question it of course provocative, because this program does not exist. But is there a side where advantages and disadvantages of the programs are discussed? Or the performance is tested?

Phoenics e.g. is very cheap, but it seems to have a bad Prae- and post processor and it is still written in Fortran 77 so dynamic allocatable memory is not possible.

Regards Peter
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Old   August 8, 2003, 07:35
Default Re: Which is the best CFD Program?
Jan Rusås
Posts: n/a
Dear Peter, This question has been raised many times, and has also been answered many times. Try to search in the forum and you will find alot of information. (I think)basically nobody will or can answer your question, it highly depends on what kind of application(s) you want to use the CFD code for. Even when you know your application(s) it is hard to answer. But read the old post and you will get an idea.

I do not know if there exist a special place where the difference between the codes are discussed, but I know that there exist testcases where the major software vendor companies has published their results in different papers/conferences.

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Old   August 8, 2003, 16:02
Default Re: Which is the best CFD Program?
Posts: n/a
"Best" is highly subjective. You may want to consider and itemize what issues are important to you and your applications. Then you can request comments on each one of these items and attempt to make a determination of what "best" means to you.

Regarding the test cases the vendors present in papers or conferences, be careful that they are almost exclusively POST-dictions, NOT predictions, and should be taken with a grain of salt. I.e. the vendors have a known solution that they are massaging their code to produce, with many, many changes to the meshing and numerical models. Most of us are not afforded the luxury of knowing what the solution is a priori, thus these papers are often irrelevant.
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Old   August 14, 2003, 09:09
Default Re: Which is the best CFD Program?
Jan Rusås
Posts: n/a
Regarding the testcases, I do not think you are completely correct. I do think that some of them has been "blind" cases and even if not, then I would still more trust a code that can predict the correct result even if it is known in advance.
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