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Velocity Fields/Stream Equations

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Old   February 16, 2003, 23:29
Default Velocity Fields/Stream Equations
Posts: n/a

I am making a small cfd code and want to test my output in different flow fields

i want to test my output in a rotational / translation/ revolving flow field and any combination of these . could anyone tell me how to get the stream function corresponding to these

thanks a newbie
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Old   February 17, 2003, 03:37
Default Re: Velocity Fields/Stream Equations
Posts: n/a
If you have the velocity field tecplot can plot the streamlines. You can even use matlab (stream2, stream3, streamline).
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Old   February 17, 2003, 13:34
Default Re: Velocity Fields/Stream Equations
Jim Park
Posts: n/a
"rotational / translation/ revolving flow field"?

Does this mean it's a three dimensional (x - y - z) flow? If so, the stream function will be a vector function and so not too useful for visualization of the flow.

To get a stream function that's scalar, your flow must be 2-d, either Cartesian (x - y) or cylindrical (r - z although a rotational component can be included if it's axisymmetric).

You can visualize the flow using virtual particle traces or streaklines. Generate the tracks for those by for a series of points (x, y, z)_i by

x_i+1 = x_i + u(x_i, y_j, z_k)*dx

with similar for y_j+1 and z_(k+1).

Hope this helps.
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Old   February 17, 2003, 14:53
Default Re: Velocity ... corrected post!
Jim Park
Posts: n/a
My previous reply to this was a bit hasty. See correction in the partical trace discussion below:

"rotational / translation/ revolving flow field"?

Does this mean it's a three dimensional (x - y - z) flow? If so, the stream function will be a vector function and so not too useful for visualization of the flow.

To get a stream function that's scalar, your flow must be 2-d, either Cartesian (x - y) or cylindrical (r - z although a rotational component can be included if it's axisymmetric).

You can visualize the flow using virtual particle traces or streaklines. Generate the tracks for those by for a series of points (x, y, z)_i by

*** Corrected text below ***

x_i+1 = x_i + u(x_i, y_i, z_i)*dx

with similar for y_i+1 and z_(i+1).

For the particle coordinates (x, y, z), the index "i" counts the locations generated for the virtual particle through the flow field. It is NOT an index for a grid line or node.

Hope this helps.

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