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CFD Project..Help!

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Old   October 30, 2000, 00:12
Default CFD Project..Help!
Posts: n/a

An undergrad in Mech. Engg.,I hope to write a code in C for solving some real world problem using CFD.Would be grateful if someone could help out by suggesting a few topics that could be worked on.

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Old   November 2, 2000, 12:49
Default Re: CFD Project..Help!
Steven Jachec
Posts: n/a
One project I did in my CFD class was 2D viscous steady flow around a cylinder. Also, coded up a 2D non-viscous flow around a cylinder...which was easier to solve.
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Old   November 3, 2000, 08:37
Default Re: CFD Project..Help!
Posts: n/a
Thank You for your reply.

What books would you suggest I read for doing the project.As of now,I'm reading up the book on CFD by Anderson which seems much easier to comprehend than most other books.

What sort of programming knowledge would be required to develop a code?...for instance,I'd like to do it in C.

Hope u'll be able to help out...thanks...

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Old   November 4, 2000, 17:13
Default Re: CFD Project..Help!
Bob Anderson
Posts: n/a
Languages are a matter of taste, but I would suggest fortran 77 for a first project. The multidimensional array syntax is more natural and simpler, in my opinion, than the pointer philosophy of C. Considering that a CFD code, at its heart, is mostly multidimensional array processing, I think that's an important consideration.

2D viscous flow around a cylinder is an ambitious first project. If you want something "practical", maybe a panel method for airfoils would be more to your liking.

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Old   November 5, 2000, 01:20
Default Re: CFD Project..Help!
Posts: n/a
Hi Bob!

Thanks for your reply.What exactly does the panel method for an aerfoil mean?I had initially planned on doing something related to aerofoils...but,I did'nt know how to proceed.Would it be possible for you to guide me?Like help me out in Fotran ,CFD etc?...

As of now,I'm reading up the book titled CFD...Fundamentals & Applications by John the info given in that book sufficient for the project you've suggested?

Hope you'll be able to help out...and thanks again

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Old   November 7, 2000, 18:59
Default Re: CFD Project..Help!
R Harris
Posts: n/a
Panel codes are covered in mind numbing detail (and I mean that as a compliment) in Katz and Plotkin's "Low Speed Aerodynamics", McGraw Hill, 1991. This book would be particularly useful for your purposes because it contains FORTRAN source for several simple codes.
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Old   November 8, 2000, 04:54
Default Re: CFD Project..Help!
Posts: n/a
Depends what the object of your project is. Is it to write a simplified CFD code or to solve a real life problem? At undergraduate level it will probably be to write a simplified CFD code that works on simple problems. For a real life problem you may well be looking at over a year to solve it.

Probably best to find something that has already been calculated in another code and also experimentally validated, otherwise you won't know if your solutions are good enough, unless you plan to carry out the experiments yourself.

Think about what you would like to get involved in. Steady, incompressible, in-viscid flow is much easier to work with than unsteady, viscous, compressible flow. I would choose some kind of geometry with water, like pipe flows. There are then many well defined examples about that a lot of people would use to validate a code. Start with the basics.


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Old   November 21, 2000, 06:29
Default CFD Codes?
Posts: n/a

Thankyou for your reply.I'm an undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering.As I've just started off with CFD,I'd like to begin with a simplified code.I've been thinking of writing a simple code for coutte flow using the Mac Comrack technique based on an implicit scheme.Unfortunately,I have no other codes to go by or results as such for corroboration.Would you be able to help out?As I hope to do the coding in Ansi C,I would be indebted if you could provide me with a code in CFD for the same.Of course,it could be for a different apllication but it would really go long way in helping me...

Hope you'll help..

regards and thanks
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