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BC for oven_outer_surface for convection "and radiation"

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Old   Yesterday, 08:05
Default BC for oven_outer_surface for convection "and radiation"
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Join Date: May 2011
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Dear Foamers,

I’m simulating an industrial oven using the chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam solver with the fvDOM radiation model enabled. I’m currently unsure about the appropriate boundary condition (BC) to use for the “oven_outer_surface.”

Initially, I considered using externalWallHeatFluxTemperature with a convection coefficient of 10 and an ambient temperature of 300 K. However, I also realize that the oven should be losing heat to the external environment through radiation, especially since I’m expecting temperature differences of over 100 K in some regions.

Given this,
1- Is externalWallHeatFluxTemperature an appropriate BC choice for the oven’s outer surface?
2- Will it also account for radiative heat losses at the boundary?
3- If not, what would be a more suitable BC to properly capture radiative heat transfer?
4- Alternatively, do I need to include part of the external ambient domain in my simulation to accurately model these effects?

Any guidance or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
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boundary condition, chtmultiregionsimplefoam, externalwallheatfluxtemp, oven, radiation

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