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Need help in running the CONTUR code of Sivell

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Old   October 3, 2024, 04:09
Post Need help in running the CONTUR code of Sivell
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Join Date: Apr 2024
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adit_YA is on a distinguished road
Dear all,

I am trying to design a Mach 2 planar nozzle using CONTUR by Sivell which can be found here

The code does not run with the input values I have provided. Any help on this matter is appreciated. I have attached a screenshot of my input values(cards)

Thank you in advance!

c = ConturSettings()

dmach = 2.0               # design mach
throat_radius = 2/2#2 / 2  # inches

# Card 1: the title of the simulation
c["ITLE"] = f"Mach {dmach}"
c["JD"] = -1
# Card 2 contains gas properties. As air is the assumed working fluid, no changes are required
c["ZO"] = 1
c["RO"] = 1
c["VISC"] = 1
c["VISM"] = 1
c["SFOA"] = 0
# Card 3: key design parameters
c["ETAD"] = 6.5949402      # Angle at point D
c["RC"] =2.0       # Radius of curvature at throat [multiple of throat radius]
#c["FMACH"] = 1.26
c["BMACH"] = 1.5
c["CMC"] = dmach    # Design mach
c["SF"] = 0
# Card 4:
#c["IX"] = 1 
c["ND"] = 15 
c["MP"] = 5#1
c["MQ"] = 0#41
c["JB"] = -1
c["JC"] = 0
c["IT"] = 0
c["LR"] = 21
# Card 6 (B): stagnation and heat transfer properties
c["PPQ"] = 120   # Stagnation pressure [psia]
c["TO"] = 1000      # Stagnation temperature [R]
c["TWT"] = 540      # Wall temperature [R]
c["TWAT"] = 540     # Water-cooling temp [R] (suggest setting to TWT since water cooling not assumed)

# Card 7 (D): interpolation parameters
c["XLOW"] = 0      # Point to begin interpolating contour [in]
c["XEND"] = 0.7      # Point to end interpolating contour [in]
c["XINC"] = .1      # Increment to interpolate by [in]

# Create the input text file and save it to 'm5.0.txt' in the folder 'inputcards'
c.print_to_input(file_name=f'm{dmach:.1f}.txt', output_directory='inputcards')
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cd nozzle, fortran 90, method of characteristics, python, sivells nozzle design moc

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