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Conformal Mesh with FreeCAD, Salome and later gmsh

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Old   May 17, 2023, 16:53
Default Conformal Mesh with FreeCAD, Salome and later gmsh
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Hello everyone,

I have a little project and that will help us all here in our forum!
I want to create a multibody mesh with opensource programs like FreeCAD and Salome and later with GMSH.

I found this article:

I used before Star CCM+ and it was no problem for making conformal multibody meshing but I don’t want to use it anymore. With CFMesh+ it’s also possible and I tried it, it works fine! But as I said I want to use opensource programs��!

I tried something:
I made a reactionzone (inner pipe) and a pipe which have a bigger diameter at the same point (on XY Plane). Like in this picture:
FreeCAD before boolean operations —>

As I said I made many conformal mesh in my life and knows it’s better to make a differenz between the reactionzone+sweep and the reactionzone. So the result is only the sweep which is around the inner pipe (reactionzone). After I did a bollean operations —> FreeCAD after boolean oprations:

Than I exported booth step files and import it into Salome.
Salome before partitioned:
Than I did the partition but is it right with solid? Or maybe shell?
Salome partition:
After partition it’s looks like so —> Salome after partitioned:

This is my effort from today after using first time both softwares��. I am sure that we can fix the case.

My desired result: a multibody region where I can define two different physics and the boundary layer to the next region not will be merged. The most conformal mesh tutorial make two geometries one, but I want two separate from each other but where the nodes meet.

Thanks a lot ���� and I hope we will solve this case.

Big regards


PS: after it works in Salome, I want to try it in GMSH (after partitioned in Salome). Than write a Pythonskript that make all automatically and all in this forum can use it.

Edit: here I found two very usefull videos:

But how I can put it on a cylinder and a hole-cylinder who including the first one like in my picture?

Last edited by CFD2DXY; May 18, 2023 at 08:26.
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Old   May 18, 2023, 14:29
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arjun will become famous soon enougharjun will become famous soon enough
I am not sure what you are trying to do here.

Do you want to take a surface from a body and extrude the mesh to create second region?? Now they share a common and matched interface?

Also do you want to use this to create a boundary layer

I asked because something similar we can do in wildkatze. This i added for two reasons and one of them was to create a boundary layer to calculate shear rate etc. Prism part works but shear rate etc is unfinished project.
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Old   May 18, 2023, 17:36
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Originally Posted by arjun View Post
I am not sure what you are trying to do here.

Do you want to take a surface from a body and extrude the mesh to create second region?? Now they share a common and matched interface?

Also do you want to use this to create a boundary layer

I asked because something similar we can do in wildkatze. This i added for two reasons and one of them was to create a boundary layer to calculate shear rate etc. Prism part works but shear rate etc is unfinished project.
Thanks for reply my message ����.
I want to make a multi body mesh, meaning I have two body’s who have one contact area but pointing the same node at the contact area.. like star ccm, Ansys etc but doing with Salome.. I saw in the YouTube video that it is possible but what is my top area and what is my fix are (like in this video)?

Best regards


Edit: I solved it ��

Last edited by CFD2DXY; May 19, 2023 at 10:21.
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conformal mesh, freecad 0.20.2, gmsh 4.11, salome 9.10

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