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How to find Center of Pressure from MNIT results?

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Old   January 8, 2023, 02:07
Default How to find Center of Pressure from MNIT results?
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Join Date: Jan 2023
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mateolanda1 is on a distinguished road
Hi! I have read many threads asking for how to find center of pressure using a given software and that has given me an idea on how to address my issue. But I need some guidance.

I am using modified Newtonian Impact Theory (MNIT) to calculate the total force components on a supersonic flow around a Sears-Haack half ogive. The theory is basically an extension of force exerted by a water jet on a flat plate.
The algorithm I have written on Python calculates the pressure coefficient on each of the triangular tiles of the geometry and also calculates the respective areas of said tiles. With this I am able to obtain the force acting 90-deg from the tile's plane.
The input is a modified version of a PLY file, so I count with the x, y, and z coordinates of each vertex and also the normal vector for each tile.

Based on the information I can obtain from MNIT and the information provided by the input file, is it possible to find the coordinates of the center of pressure acting on the body?

Hopefully I have provided enough information.

I would like to add that I am following the numerical method in the link:

Last edited by mateolanda1; January 8, 2023 at 03:22.
mateolanda1 is offline   Reply With Quote


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