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New Book Proposal: Project-based Finite Element Method

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Old   January 1, 2023, 10:08
Default New Book Proposal: Project-based Finite Element Method
Youssef Hafez
Join Date: Dec 2022
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Book Proposal
Project-based Finite Element Method
Prof. Dr. Youssef I. Hafez
Ph.D. and M.Sc., Colorado State University, USA
Professor Emeritus Nile Research Institute, Egypt

This book is hoped to be unlike other traditional FEM books. In traditional FE books extensive coverage of the basic theory and fundamentals of the FEM is covered in great details. By the time this is done the author(s) and the readers may be exhausted to the point that little is left for application of the FEM itself for solving real-life problems in spite that this is the most important aspect of learning the FEM. In traditional FEM books the theory is presented first followed by the applications (if there is a room for this). However, this book uses a different approach in which the theory is presented either quickly first in a brief manner while necessary details are included within the application case studies, or side by side with the application or in some instances the applications are presented directly first while the theory is embedded within or followed soon after. The theory, the FE formulation, and programming details are presented in this book in a simple form that allows almost all the readers to easily and efficiently understand and apply the FEM for solving real-life problems from A to Z. This book complements all the theoretical and semi-practical FE previously published books, so it should be an added edition to the library of FE books.

Almost all case studies here are already accomplished. What is left is to combine them and blending with the theoretical FE parts.
The book number of pages is expected to be considerably large, i.e., over a thousand pages because the codes are lengthy. I don’t know if big publishing companies such as Wiley, Elsevier, and Pearson would be interested or not. Therefore, I am thinking that the best option is to publish the book on line as a digital version. One advantage of being in digital online format is that each chapter or certain group of chapters can be sold separately.
I am looking for someone to help in finding an online publisher and funder that would be interested in publishing this book. In addition, I am open to all constructive proposals and suggestions from anyone. The table of contents below is at the preliminary stage and finalization will be made soon after especially after collecting all useful feedbacks.

Table of Contents:

1- Introduction to the FEM

2- Discrete Finite Element Method ( Network problems):
2.1 Network approach
2.1 Linear Networks (Electrical, thermal, elastic and water networks)
2.2 Non-linear Networks (water distribution pipe networks)
2.3 Polymer flows in processing units
2.4 Open channels and river networks

3- One dimensional (1D) FE Problems:
3.1 One dimensional elements and FE formulation in 1D
3.2 Diffusion-advection problems (Heat or mass)
3.3 Deflection of a tight wire
3.4 Flow between two parallel plates (constant and variable viscosity)
3.5 Open channel flow down a plane
3.6 Radon gas vertical distribution and contaminant transport in soils
3.7 Pore-water pressure in soils
3.8 Overland flows (rainfall-runoff 1D modelling)
3.9 Transient formulation
3.10 Nonlinear formulation

4- Two dimensional (2D) FE Problems:
4.1 Two dimensional elements and FE formulation in 2D
4.2 Two dimensional mesh generator
4.2 Two-dimensional Laplace’s equation
4.3 Two-dimensional Poisson’s equation
4.4 Flow in Porous medium (2D ground water flow)
4.5 Two-dimensional diffusive flow model in Lakes, Wetlands, and Rivers
4.6 Hydrodynamic model (2D velocities and water depth) in lakes and channels.
4.7 Turbulent flow in rectangular duct cross section
4.8 Turbulent flow in open channel cross section
4.9 Side discharge problems (2D)
4.10 jet discharge problems (2D)
4.11 Cavity flow (2D)
4.12 Flow around bluff bodies (2D)
4.13 Pollution modelling (2D) due to point/line/area and volume pollution sources

5- Three dimensional FE Problems:
5.1 Three dimensional elements and FE formulation in 3D
5.2 Three dimensional mesh generator
5.3 Three-dimensional Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations
5.4 Flow in Porous medium (3D ground water flow)
5.5 Three-dimensional advection-diffusion-source transport modelling (heat/mass)
5.6 Pollution modelling (3D) due to point/line/area and volume pollution sources
5.7 Hydrodynamic model (3D velocities and water depth) for lakes and channels
5.8 Turbulent flow in ducts (full 3D)
5.9 Turbulent flow in open channels (full 3D)
5.10 Side discharge problems (3D)
5.11 jet discharge problems (3D)
5.12 Cavity flow (3D)
5.13 Flow around bluff bodies (3D)

6- Appendix:
6.1 Calculus of variations
6.2 Solving system of equations
6.3 Numerical integration
6.5 Finite Element Meshing

Last edited by Dr Youssef Hafez; January 2, 2023 at 13:29. Reason: fixing title
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Old   January 1, 2023, 12:45
Youssef Hafez
Join Date: Dec 2022
Posts: 48
Rep Power: 4
Dr Youssef Hafez is on a distinguished road
If anyone would like to have the source code or just the application for a reasonable price to any of the codes in the list of the book above please let me know via contacting me at:
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