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Curved Sharkfin-based fin array w/ aerofoil foil profile and front facing perforation

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Old   October 1, 2022, 04:47
Default Curved Sharkfin-based fin array w/ aerofoil foil profile and front facing perforation
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Jake Bilsborough
Join Date: Oct 2022
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Hey guys,

Below I have attached images of a theoretical heat sink design. I am attempting to place this design into a wind tunnel, to be simulated against a velocity of 15 m/s. This design is quite complex, with fins from a size of 80-140mm, with holes comprising of both parabolic and circular profiles. The trailing edge of all fins is filleted, as well as the entrance and exit of all perforations, to aid in meshing (not pictured as these screenshots are old). I am using SpaceClaim for design and fluent for mesh and analysis.

I can not seem to get the design to mesh effectively and am wondering if there are any techniques or maybe other programs I can use to help? The geometry is solid as far as SpaceClaim is concerned, but fluent continually finds leaks in the geometry, I suspect because of the curvature of the fins or the perforations. My last resort is applying symmetry to quarter boundaries, but I would like to simulate the full model if possible.

Are there methods to specifically mesh a design like this? I am a student and want to learn more, and I would love to get some input from people in the industry or how a professional would go about this problem, thanks.





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aerofoil, complex geometry, curved fins, mesh

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