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Rotating mesh simulation in Simscale using an imported mesh

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Old   May 27, 2021, 12:03
Default Rotating mesh simulation in Simscale using an imported mesh
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Luis Mayz
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Does anyone made a simulation in Simscale using a rotating mesh but did not generate that mesh in Simscale instead of uploading it from OpenFoam or in other format?

My problem is that I want to simulate a wind turbine (HAWT) using the rotating mesh approach. I generated a mesh in ANSYS Meshing instead of snappyHexmesh because ANSYS is easier to control de refinements that I want near the blades. I imported the mesh to OpenFoam using FluentMeshToFoam and even run a few seconds of the transient simulation using PIMPLE solver. The problem is when I upload the mesh to Simscale. It recognize two regions of the mesh (the moving part and the static one), I assign AMI rotating zone condition to one region and specify air as material for the static region. Then, when I try to run, it shows me an error claiming that one region has no assigned material, so I assign air as material to both regions. Now the error changes claiming that for this simulation only flow region can have an assigned material.

If anyone did a similar simulation with an imported mesh in Simscale I would appreciate an advice. I wrote in the Simscale official forum but it was not helpful and searched in other forums but no much is talked about Simscale.


PD: I attached pictures of the errors and this is the link of the project in Simscale
Attached Images
File Type: jpg error2.jpg (47.9 KB, 6 views)
File Type: jpg error1.jpg (48.0 KB, 6 views)
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Old   February 16, 2023, 11:39
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Steve Lainé
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Originally Posted by lmayz View Post

Does anyone made a simulation in Simscale using a rotating mesh but did not generate that mesh in Simscale instead of uploading it from OpenFoam or in other format?

My problem is that I want to simulate a wind turbine (HAWT) using the rotating mesh approach. I generated a mesh in ANSYS Meshing instead of snappyHexmesh because ANSYS is easier to control de refinements that I want near the blades. I imported the mesh to OpenFoam using FluentMeshToFoam and even run a few seconds of the transient simulation using PIMPLE solver. The problem is when I upload the mesh to Simscale. It recognize two regions of the mesh (the moving part and the static one), I assign AMI rotating zone condition to one region and specify air as material for the static region. Then, when I try to run, it shows me an error claiming that one region has no assigned material, so I assign air as material to both regions. Now the error changes claiming that for this simulation only flow region can have an assigned material.

If anyone did a similar simulation with an imported mesh in Simscale I would appreciate an advice. I wrote in the Simscale official forum but it was not helpful and searched in other forums but no much is talked about Simscale.


PD: I attached pictures of the errors and this is the link of the project in Simscale
Hi, did you apply a rotating zone to the body 'rotatingZone' under Advanced Concepts? There is a new solver in SimScale that would be better suited to this problem: Subsonic.
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imported mesh, rotating mesh, simscale

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