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How to compile libraries of OpenFoam V2012 in OpenFoam V7

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Old   May 26, 2021, 11:02
Post How to compile libraries of OpenFoam V2012 in OpenFoam V7
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Anand Parinam
Join Date: May 2021
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Ap30 is on a distinguished road
Hi all

I am trying to compile a pimpleFoam solver with Lagrangian particles which I already did. In Lagrangian, I need some custom patches - lagrangian\intermediate\submodels\CloudFunctionObj ects\PatchParticleHistogram.

This library is avalible in OpenFoam Version v2012 which is already compiled, Ihave to compile this library in openFoam v7, When I do so It gives lot of errors due to compatibility issues.

Can anyone suggest how to handle compilation of libraries between versions.

I have attached the error screenshot as well as the Patch library files and makeparcelCloudFunctionObjects.H where we add the patch.

Can anyone please suggest how to handle compilation of libraries between versions.

Thanks a lot
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Capture d’écran de 2021-05-26 15-55-56.jpg (175.2 KB, 10 views)
Attached Files
File Type: c PatchParticleHistogram.C (7.5 KB, 0 views)
File Type: h PatchParticleHistogram.H (6.4 KB, 0 views)
File Type: h makeParcelCloudFunctionObjects.H (3.1 KB, 1 views)
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Old   May 26, 2021, 15:38
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Gerry Kan
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Dear Anand:

The short answer is: you need to adjust the code this manually to the corresponding distribution.

As I was doing something similar I noticed that the basic data structures were implemented slightly differently between the .com and the .org distributions. This also means that certain methods for manipulating these data structures will not be portable verbatim.

These changes are usually relatively straightforward. If memory serves you need to figure out the equivalent methods or have slightly different workarounds if none is available. I would start with the compiler errors and go through the corresponding classes in each distribution.

I would not say you need to be very comfortable with the OpenFOAM architecture or OOP in general to get through this, although knowing either (or both) would definitely help. It takes a lot of patience to trace the object hierarchy. The on-line code base will be your best friend.

Hope that helps, Gerry.
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Old   June 9, 2021, 10:02
Default Thank you so much
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Anand Parinam
Join Date: May 2021
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Ap30 is on a distinguished road
Dear Gerry

It is far more complicated. Many a times sma ething works on some system and same thing does not in other evey other thing being same like OF version, Linux Version etc.

Thank you so much.
Originally Posted by Gerry Kan View Post
Dear Anand:

The short answer is: you need to adjust the code this manually to the corresponding distribution.

As I was doing something similar I noticed that the basic data structures were implemented slightly differently between the .com and the .org distributions. This also means that certain methods for manipulating these data structures will not be portable verbatim.

These changes are usually relatively straightforward. If memory serves you need to figure out the equivalent methods or have slightly different workarounds if none is available. I would start with the compiler errors and go through the corresponding classes in each distribution.

I would not say you need to be very comfortable with the OpenFOAM architecture or OOP in general to get through this, although knowing either (or both) would definitely help. It takes a lot of patience to trace the object hierarchy. The on-line code base will be your best friend.

Hope that helps, Gerry.
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compiling library, lagrange particle, particle laden flows

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