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First CFD consulting Job for wind turbine - What would be a good cost for my work?

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Old   May 8, 2021, 20:32
Default First CFD consulting Job for wind turbine - What would be a good cost for my work?
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Erick D. Martinez
Join Date: Oct 2020
Location: Texas
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Hello all!

I am a graduate student in Mechanical Engineering and a big CFD enthusiast. I have gained an opportunity to do some CFD contract work for a newly patented wind turbine design in my hometown, but they want me to do the work under contract and just charge for my entire contribution. They want me to run a 3D 6DOF simulation (I am thinking with k-omega or k-omegaSST) with 10 different wind turbine designs. The simulation would be something similar to this: but in 3D and with a much more complex geometry.

The client does not have any of their engineers with CFD expertise and they want someone locally to do it, which in my area is basically no CFD-experienced people. I will be doing so using OpenFOAM. I have experience doing something similar for my own thesis work, but I have never done CFD work for a client before. I would really appreciate some guidance as to how much my work would be worth since it would be a great opportunity for me. Any advice would help!
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