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Modeling Fluid structure interaction in a rotating tank

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Old   May 3, 2021, 12:59
Default Modeling Fluid structure interaction in a rotating tank
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masoudmtl is on a distinguished road
Hello everybody,

I have been busy with this problem for over a month and I would really appreciate it if someone could give me a kind help or introduce me to a helpful reference. Here is the problem:
There is a tank that is half full with water and half with air. There are a number of springs inside the tank which would vibrate with the rotation of the tank and interact with the water and create some moments on the structure of the cylinder. In detail:
1. Consider a circular tank with a diameter of 20cm and a height of 20 cm. The wall of the tank is 5mm thick.0
2. There exist 4 springs attached to the floor of the tank in a circular pattern. Each spring is attached like a cantilever beam. That is one end attached to the floor of the tank and the other end is free.
3. Also consider that the axis of the springs is parallel to the axis of the cylinder but 5cm apart radially. Each spring has a wire thickness of 0.2mm and is 20 cm tall with 50 turns.
4. The water height is 10cm inside the tank and the rest is air. Also, gravity acts downward in the direction of the axis of the cylinder.
5. Imagine the tank is rotated with a varying rotational velocity of 100*sin(2*3.14*t) around its axis.
It is desired to measure the torque on the tank with time. We are going to drive the system with a motor and we are interested to have an estimate of the behavior of the system. Clearly, the problem is a 2way FSI (Fluid-Structure interaction). My problem in the first place is in coupling the Ansys transient structural with Ansys Fluent. In detail, I want the Ansys Fluent module to recognize the rotation from the structural module and apply it to the fluid. Then, I am interested to see the interaction between vibrating springs and the water inside the tank.
I am enthusiastically waiting for your responses my friends.

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fluid-solid intraction, fsi 2-way, rotating cylinder

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