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FloEFD Condensation Simulation - Please help!

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Old   April 29, 2021, 07:48
Default FloEFD Condensation Simulation - Please help!
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Join Date: Mar 2018
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cattewell is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

I'm really struggling to perform a condensation clearing simulation using FloEFD. I'm trying to a simulation similar to this YouTube video - but it's not explained how it is set up!

I'm simulating a vehicle lamp, and I've applied a film condition of 0.25mm on the three inside surfaces of the lens.

When it is simulating I've been monitoring two global goals - Max and min film thickness. What I've been seeing happen is the film starts to thin in some places, but thickens to unbelievable numbers in some places before failing. Generally it reaches around 1000 micrometers but once I had it up at 10^6 micrometers! It just tends to come up with the error that it failed and suggests contacting FloEFD support. We don't have a current contract with them so can't ask them for support.

If there's any of my settings you would like to know then I'd be happy to provide them - but here's just a few I thought might help.

Fluid film thickness = 250 micrometers
Humidity = 25%
Ambient temperature 15 degrees - although the rear of the lamp is in a heat source fixed at 90 degrees.
The lamp is sealed but there is a gore patch where I have applied a boundary condition fixing the pressure and humidity.

If you could help at all it would be amazing as I'm at a loss to what to try next!

Thanks so much!

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film condensation, floefd.v5

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