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Test Case for a Parallel Particle Tracking Code

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Old   April 16, 2021, 05:33
Default Test Case for a Parallel Particle Tracking Code
New Member
Nikhil Jayswal
Join Date: Apr 2021
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Hi! I am a student working on building an MPI code for tracking particles in flows. I have a good background in numerics, but not CFD specifically.

I am having trouble building up a test case to validate my code. My lab works with jets a lot, and I was instructed by my supervisor to set up a 2D potential flow of a jet striking a plate as a test case. However, I have been unsuccessful so far.

I am working with Incompact3d which is a compact high order FD solver for incompressible flow.

What I want to ask is - Is it possible to simulate potential flow using such a solver? What can I do to create a scenario that mimics the 2D point stagnation flow as closely as possible.

Currently my setup consists of
- 20x10x10 domain
- inflow (x-direction) = jet of diameter 1 (Re = 400) with coflow velocity = 1% of inflow velocity and shear layer = 5% of jet diameter
- hyperbolic tan velocity profile of jet
- free slip boundary at the other end in x-direction
- periodic boundary conditions in z
- outflow boundary conditions in y

Also, how do I ensure that my jet splits symmetrically in the y- direction?

Any comments/suggestions/feedback would be greatly appreciated. Please forgive me if any of my questions sound stupid. My lab has very few people right now because of the pandemic and I'm on very tight deadlines to complete the project.

Thank you.
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finite difference, jet flow, mpi, particle tracking, potential flow

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