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CFD Symposium (Call for Papers)

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Old   October 5, 1998, 11:25
Default CFD Symposium (Call for Papers)
Chris R. Kleijn
Posts: n/a
2nd International Symposium on Computational Technologies for Fluid/Thermal/Chemical Systems with Industrial Applications

ASME PVP Division Conference (August 1-5, 1999, Boston, Massachusetts, USA)


- abstract submission: October 30, 1998

- draft paper submission: December 18, 1998

- final paper submission: March 1, 1999

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SCOPE - Modern industrial applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics require the solution of complex fluid-flow problems in conjunction with equipment design, process and product development. For the successful solution of these problems, a high degree of coordination between industrial CFD engineers, software developers, consultantsand academic scientists is necessary. This symposium, to be held for the second time, addresses these issues by focussing on computational modeling of industrially relevant fluid flows in interaction with participating media (solid confinements, porous structures, dispersed phases, plasmas, etc.) and physical/chemical phenomena (diffusion transport, thermal stress, flow induced vibrations, electromagnetic transport, heat generation & dissipation, electrophoresis, phase change, combustion, CVD, chemical reactions, etc.). Participation from the industry is especially encouraged.

SYMPOSIUM HYSTORY - The Symposium was held for the first time July 1998 in San Diego, California, in conjunction with the 1998 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference. The Symposium consisted of 16 Sessions, during which 66 contributed and 6 keynote papers were presented by authors from industry, academia, CFD consultants and software vendors, representing 20 different countries. Papers were published in two separate volumes (ASME PVP-Vol. 377-1 and 377-2).

TOPICS - Specific topics may include (but are not limited to):

* Case studies of CFD hardware design, shape optimization and process & product development applications in industry

* Modeling of fluid-solid interactions via conjugate heat transfer, thermal stress or load coupling

* Integration of complex physical/chemical models into CFD codes and modeling of fluid-media interactions

* Large-scale numerical studies with industrial applications

* CFD code interfaces (code-to-code, grid-to-grid, flow to stress, etc.) and integrated code development

* Object oriented CFD code architecture and CFD command languages, preprocessors, grid generators

* Novel "fast" solvers, models and techniques, codes and algorithms, numerical accuracy analysis

* CFD implementation for model based control

* Design applications using new computational & experimental techniques

* Experimental studies related to equipment design and code verification

* Flow Visualization and Thermal/Chemical Species "Mapping"

addressing single and multiphase, laminar and turbulent flows, free surface flows, flows with phase transition, molecular flow, plasma flow etc.

Applications may stem from, amongst others:

* chemical process industry

* automotive & aerospace industry

* manufacturing industry

* energy conversion & combustion

* micro-electronics industry

* biological & environmental studies

* nuclear industry

* pharmaceutical & medical industry, etc.

KEYNOTE LECTURES - During the 1998 Symposium in San Diego, Profs. Brian Spalding (CHAM) and David Gosman (Star-CD) and Drs. Anantha Krishnan (CFDRC) and George Bache (AEA/CFX) presented keynote lectures on novel developments in fluid-structure, fluid-thermal and fluid-chemistry coupling. Profs. S. Maruyama (Tohoku University) and Y. Matsumoto (The University of Tokyo) presented keynote talks on CFD in interaction with radiation heat transfer, and on CFD of bubbly two-phase flows. For this second Symposium, invitation will be extended to prominent CFD experts from various branches of industry and academia, to present keynote lectures on the application of process and structure integrated CFD in industrial design and optimization problems.

TUTORIALS AND SOFTWARE DEMONSTRATIONS - One day and 1/2 half day tutorials are being planned and CFD software demonstrations will be organized at the Conference. Please contact the corresponding organizers with proposals.

DATES AND LOCATION - The Symposium will be held in conjunction with the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, August 1-5, 1999, at the Sheraton Boston Hotel and Towers, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

PAPERS AND PUBLICATION - Contributed papers will be accepted based on submitted abstracts and peer-review of full papers. Accepted full papers will be published in ASME Conference Proceedings bound volumes, which will be available at the Conference. Outstanding papers will be recommended for publication in the ASME Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. In principle, all accepted papers will be invited for oral presentation at the Symposium. Submission of student papers is strongly encouraged, and excellent student papers will be proposed for PVP Division Best Student Paper Awards.


* Submit abstracts, using Fax, e-mail or (courier) Mail, by October 30, 1998, to the appropriate Symposium Organizer

* Authors of accepted papers will be notified by November 13, 1998

* Drafts of full papers are due December 18, 1998, for review

* Authors will be notified of reviewers comments and final paper acceptance by February 1, 1999

* Final papers are due March 1, 1999

REGISTRATION - To register your name with the Symposium distribution list, please forward your full name, affiliation, address and e-mail address to For further information about the Symposium, please contact one of the organizers, or visit our Web-site: .


* for USA and Canada: Dr. Vladimir Kudriavtsev, Watkins-Johnson Company, Scotts Valley, CA 95066, USA, phone +1-408-439-4553, faxes: +1-408-243-4220 / +1-408-438-6826, E-mail: /

* for Japan and Pacific Rim: Dr. Satoyuki Kawano, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Aobaku Sendai 980-8577, JAPAN, phone +81-22-217-5265, fax +81-22-217-5311, E-mail

* for Europe and rest of the world: Dr. Chris R. Kleijn, Delft University of Technology, Kramers Laboratorium voor Fysische Technologie, Prins Bernhardlaan 6, 2628 BW Delft, THE NETHERLANDS, phone +31-15-278-2835, fax. +31-15-278-2838, E-mail:

* Symposium Web-site:
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