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Reading a sequence of libraries as Execute Commands

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Old   October 14, 2020, 06:38
Default Reading a sequence of libraries as Execute Commands
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Join Date: Sep 2020
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Benyounes is on a distinguished road
Dear comunity,

I am new to Fluent and have the following problem:

In the Fluent Calculation I'm analysing, I need to read/import a squence of 5 Libraries (containing Forces Files). My goal is to import one library at every timestep and repeat the same sequence periodically.

What I did:

I wrote 5 Execute Commands each with one of the 5 libraries. Under "Every" I enter respectively (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and under "When" I enter (Timestep).
In the calculation parameters I have following parameters:
No. of timesteps --> 15.000
Timestep --> 0.002 (since the Frequency is 100 Hz, ´with 5 Forces files I import 5 files (execute 5 execute commands) at every period.)

The goal is to make the timesteps repeat for 30 seconds with the same order.


The 5 timesteps are executed respecting the right order. When it comes to the 2nd Period (starting from the 6th timestep), the order is not respected anymore.

For example at the 13th timestep: Instead of executing the execute command that imports the file no. 3, Fluent runs another execute command.

I hope you got my problem and could propose a solution to solve it. Thank you very much.

I tried with Macors and Journal Files and it has been always the same problem!
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execute command, execute commands, fluent, fluent - udf, import data

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