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Issues with geometry from Mesh to PreCFX Fluid flow

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Old   September 20, 2020, 06:43
Post Issues with geometry from Mesh to PreCFX Fluid flow
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Abhinav Kothari
Join Date: Sep 2020
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I am currently working on the fluid flow analysis of flow distribution through a leakage in a vacuum film over a porous material with 4 outlets for my master thesis. I am attaching the screenshot of the mesh and the CFX pre window to explain the same. I created a 5mm thick rectangular volume (which acts as my porous medium) over which I created a surface with no volume on which I created the leakages and outputs (small circles on the surface and named using named selection function in meshing). On top of this surface, I created another volume which would act as the air chamber through which air flows into the leakage and moves out of the 4 visible outputs. I saved and exported the mesh file as a Fluent (.msh file) and imported it into CFX Pre separately because when I tried directly opening CFX pre from the work bench, it said that the surface has no volume and that would cause an issue since the meshing won't be imported.

I am currently in the process of inputting boundary conditions but I am not able to import the named selections into the CFX Pre. If you look at the named selections in the meshing software screenshot (I hid the solid bodies in the picture), I have named 8 components. When I import this file (by exporting the mesh file as a .msh file suitable for fluent and input into CFX pre, the file does not show the names or any random names on the primitive 2D regions. What I also further dont understand is the warning in the mesh file which states "One or more objects may have lost some scoping attachments during the geometry update. You can identify these tree objects by filtering the tree using the Scoping options set to Partial." I am unsure if this warning could be the reason of my issue.

Kindly let me know if you have an idea on how I could resolve this.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Screenshot from Mesh.jpg (79.1 KB, 8 views)
File Type: jpg Screenshot from CFX Pre.jpg (64.1 KB, 4 views)
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