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Open Water Kaplan Propeller Performance Characteristics

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Old   April 28, 2020, 04:28
Default Open Water Kaplan Propeller Performance Characteristics
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rc4559 is on a distinguished road
I post this question in the main forum as I believe it does not fit any of the other more specific forums here. I am sure some of you will be able to provide insight into my problem.

I am interested in obtaining the open water performance diagrams of fixed pitch Kaplan Ka-series propellers in different nozzle types. By that I mean obtaining the non-dimensional thrust, torque and efficiency parameters (Kt, Kq, Ktn and n) for different advance velocities and rpms. I am using notation from [1] here.

So far, I have been able to obtain the characteristics of Ka365, Ka455, Ka470 and Ka575 for the 19a nozzle, and the Ka470 for the 37 nozzle, from the different tables in [1], [2] and [3].

Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a proper source or database containing data of other propellers of this series, so at this point I am wondering if people use CFD to obtain such parameters (which seems cumbersome, tedious and error prone). I would like to believe that experimental databases should exist by now, so using simulations does not seem appropriate to me for this specific problem. Furthermore, I only have little experience using OpenFOAM, and basic understanding of fluids due to my engineering background.

1) Where can this parameters be found/purchased? Which are the main sources for this kind of data?
2) If they can not be purchased or simply do not exist, are you aware of successful CFD analysis of open water propeller performance characteristics? Which trusted references should I check?

Thank you in advance!

[1] Carlton J.S., Marine Propellers and Propulsion 3rd Ed., Elsevier, 2012.
[2] Oosterveld M.W.C., Wake Adapted Ducted Propellers, NSMB Wageningen Publication No. 345, 1970.
[3] Principles of Naval Architecture Vol. II, SNAME, 1988.
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Old   May 2, 2020, 19:06
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Claudio Boezio
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you could try and ask Model Basins. If they don't have the information you are looking for, maybe they can point you in the right direction. Apart from that, I'm sure the different manufacturers of azimuth and transverse thrusters have the info, since these are the propellers they use. However I imagine that they are very reluctant to give that type of information away. If you need the info to estimate/calculate propulsive performance, their preferred way is to having them calculate everything for you. If however they see no money in your project (e.g. research, concept design), it's unlikely that they'll help you.

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kaplan, marine propeller, propeller, propeller thrust

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