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Design of Experiments and Morphing Test Cases

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Old   January 20, 2020, 05:57
Default Design of Experiments and Morphing Test Cases
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 78
Rep Power: 9
ishan_ae is on a distinguished road

I am playing around with DOE as a first step in the larger goal of learning about optimization in CFD.

I have access to ANSYS FLUENT, a pre-processor with parametric morphing capabilities and a post-processor.

Until now, I have tried a simple example on airfoil morphing but this was more about how to use the pre/post processor and not about how to use DOE in CFD. The pre-processor has an in-built DOE generator which can make use of Uniform Latin Hypercube, Linear, Taguchi and Full Factorial algorithms for design point generation.

My question is, can someone please point out to some example test cases(open source preferably) of DOE as applied to CFD which I can try to replicate ? I am primarily looking for 2D cases,but 3D will also do.

Again, the goal here is to not only understand DOE usage but also do some sort of workflow bench marking with the available software, which I can then use for complex cases.

The sources which I have come across until now make use of adjoint solvers or genetic algorithms. To be honest, I don't know anything about these approaches as of now. At the moment, I am only aware of DOE based approach.
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design of experiment, optimizaion

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