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Simulation of Explosion

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Old   June 12, 2019, 11:53
Default Simulation of Explosion
Senior Member
A. Min
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 308
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alimea is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

I want to validate my numerical procedure with the results of this paper:

Computer simulation of shock waves transmission in obstructed terrains

But they didn't present the explosive mass! and it cannot be calculated using presented parameters. Do you know how to find it?

They also have the other paper:

Experimentally validated 3-D simulation of shock waves generated by dense explosives in confined complex geometries

in this paper the relation that they used for source term of energy equation to simulate the explosion, is:

S = Er × step [(t − t0)(t − tf)]
where Er is the energy released in domain, and calculated by

tF (explosion duration) = Rp/U,
Vp (explosion sphere volume) = Mp/dp,
Er (explosion energy released) = Q_DET * Mp/tF

where Rp is the radius of explosion sphere, U is the explosion velocity, Mp is the explosive mass, dp is the explosive density, Q_DET is the Mass specific energy. With these relation every parameter can be calculated correctly, but not for the first paper!

However, I found the other paper:

Simulating geometrically complex blast scenarios

they mentioned that they used last paper relation, but they used:

Er = Q_DET/Vol*(dV/dt)


dV/dt = 4*pi*Vcj^2*t^2 for t<tF and r < rDet

that is different from this paper.

Could you please tell me which one is correct?

I'm really appreciated if sb answers me.
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