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LBM units

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Old   November 21, 2018, 17:33
Question LBM units
New Member
Med oumza
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 4
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Dear everyone;

I am using the LBM as a CFD approach for simulating the nanofluids behaviour. My question is about the lattice units to use in the method, i.e, how to convert the physical units to the lattice ones?

Let me explain more my require.
To simulate a nanofluid flow using LBM one must set the the nanofluid (water+nanoparticles, exp. water+Cu) parameters by setting those of solid particles Cu) and Base fluid (water). So, my problem is how to set the lattices values of nanofluid?
For example :

rho_nf= (1.0-phi)*rho_f+phi*rho_p % density of nanofluid (nf), \phi is the % of nanoparticles(p)
My first question:

If I fix the fluid density rho_f=1, i.e the conversion factor equal their real value, how I can set the particle density? both densities have the same conversion factor?
Same question for

beta_nf=((1.0-phi)*rho_f*beta_f+phi*rho_p*beta_p)/rho_nf % \beta isthe thermal expansion coefficient
Cp_nf=((1.0-phi)*(rho_f*Cp_f)+phi*(rho_p*Cp_p))/rho_nf % Cp is the specific heat

My second question:
How I can obtain the conversion factor for Cp, K(Thermal conductivity) and \beta and others

Thank you in advance for your help
Yours sincerely
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lbm, nanofluid, units

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