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Fluid pressure distribution for solid-fluid coupled flows

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Old   September 27, 2018, 23:06
Default Fluid pressure distribution for solid-fluid coupled flows
New Member
Kahlil Fredrick Cui
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 29
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I would just like to get your ideas on this matter and maybe correct mine if I am wrong. I am simulating a granular flow down an inclined plane which is completely submerged in water. The particles move through cyclic boundaries. I have modeled the fluid phase, in interfoam and icoFoam, using cylic boundaries and inlet-outlet BCs respectively since the flow is pretty much in one direction. The fluid phase by the way is static and only moves in response to the motion of the particles. I have compared the resulting pressures for interfoam and icoFoam but they are very much different. The high pressures in interfoam are at the base while a negative pressure develops at the rear end for icofoam. I have attached the resulting pressure snapshots for reference. I want to use icoFoam for this simulation and interfoam is just used to test. I am just wondering if the difference is only due to the absence of gravity in icofoam or due to wrong boundary conditions?

In addition, I am just curious, is there a way to model a free-surface flow down an inclined plane using icoFoam? Perhaps add a gravity term maybe?

Thank you for any ideas you might have on this issue!
Attached Images
File Type: jpg icofaom-pressure.jpg (37.6 KB, 7 views)
File Type: jpg interfoam-pressure.jpg (36.2 KB, 6 views)
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