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Freeze Flow for Transient Heat Up Simulation

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Old   August 6, 2018, 08:32
Default Freeze Flow for Transient Heat Up Simulation
Join Date: Apr 2016
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I am trying to do a simulation of a cold room, which sees an blower with hot air.

If I switch on the blower and wait for 30min, the room is more or less in a stationary condition.

When I am trying do simulate this transient process, I am wondering, if I can use a fleeze flow condition after a couple of iterations. Yes, due to my blower I have many turbulence and vortexes in my room, but I assume, that the flow field can be assumed to be converged after a couple of seconds (60s) . After this, I would switch on "freeze flow" option.

Do you think this can work? I am not quite sure if I have a highly turbulent flow and I switch on freeze flow to reduce computing time?

Thank you for any hints guys!
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Old   August 6, 2018, 10:39
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Filippo Maria Denaro
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Originally Posted by CellZone View Post

I am trying to do a simulation of a cold room, which sees an blower with hot air.

If I switch on the blower and wait for 30min, the room is more or less in a stationary condition.

When I am trying do simulate this transient process, I am wondering, if I can use a fleeze flow condition after a couple of iterations. Yes, due to my blower I have many turbulence and vortexes in my room, but I assume, that the flow field can be assumed to be converged after a couple of seconds (60s) . After this, I would switch on "freeze flow" option.

Do you think this can work? I am not quite sure if I have a highly turbulent flow and I switch on freeze flow to reduce computing time?

Thank you for any hints guys!

No, I don't think that is correct, the fluid is air and Pr=O(1), the bouyancy is relevant and the flow is turbulent.
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Old   August 7, 2018, 14:10
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If that is the justification I would verify that the flow is stationary, which requires doing the transient simulation with flow on.

But if you are only looking for a crude answer then it would certainly be helpful to freeze the flow. It depends why you are doing CFD and what you hope to get out of it.
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