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SIMPLE algorithm for lid-driven cavity not converging |
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November 18, 2017, 08:36 |
SIMPLE algorithm for lid-driven cavity not converging
#1 |
New Member
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 14
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I am intending to solve incompressible 2D steady flow inside a lid-driven square cavity. I am using SIMPLE algorithm on a staggered grid. I have written the code in FORTRAN and the steps in my code are as follows:
When I run the code, the first outer iteration completes and in the second iteration, the Gauss Seidel for y momentum equation does not converge. I have been trying different URFs but still the problem exists. It would be nice if I could get some suggestions. Code:
program main implicit none integer :: imax, jmax, i, j, iter = 0, it !u_temp and v_temp are the matrices with 2 less columns and 2 less rows than u and v respectively !u_temp and v_temp temporarily store output from gauss-seidel double precision, allocatable :: u(:,:), u_temp(:,:), u_aP(:,:), u_aE(:,:), u_aW(:,:), u_aN(:,:), u_aS(:,:), & & u_b(:,:), u_error(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: v(:,:), v_temp(:,:), v_aP(:,:), v_aE(:,:), v_aW(:,:), v_aN(:,:), v_aS(:,:), & & v_b(:,:), v_error(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: p(:,:), pprime(:,:), aP(:,:), aE(:,:), aW(:,:), aN(:,:), aS(:,:), b(:,:), psi(:,:), & & d_u(:,:), d_v(:,:), p_temp(:,:), p_error(:,:) double precision :: Fe, Fw, Fn, Fs, De, Dw, Dn, Ds double precision :: H = 1.0, W = 1.0, del_x, del_y, rho = 1, mu = 0.1 double precision :: U_W = 0.0, U_E = 0.0, V_S = 0.0, V_N = 0.0, U_S, U_N, V_W, V_E double precision :: alpha_u = 0.5, alpha_v = 0.5, alpha_p = 0.01 double precision :: u_residual, v_residual, c_residual, tolerance = 1e-4, temp, r write(*,*),'Enter the number of cells (cells for scalars) required in the x direction' read(*,*), imax write(*,*),'Enter the number of cells (cells for scalars) required in the y direction' read(*,*), jmax del_x = W/imax del_y = H/jmax !diffusion coefficients for calculating coefficients in momentum equation De = mu*del_y/del_x Dw = mu*del_y/del_x Dn = mu*del_x/del_y Ds = mu*del_x/del_y allocate(u(imax+1,jmax), u_temp(2:imax,jmax), u_aP(2:imax,jmax), u_aE(2:imax,jmax), u_aW(2:imax,jmax), & & u_aN(2:imax,jmax), u_aS(2:imax,jmax), u_b(2:imax,jmax), d_u(imax+1,jmax), u_error(2:imax,jmax)) allocate(v(imax,jmax+1), v_temp(imax,2:jmax), v_aP(imax,2:jmax), v_aE(imax,2:jmax), v_aW(imax,2:jmax), & & v_aN(imax,2:jmax), v_aS(imax,2:jmax), v_b(imax,2:jmax), d_v(imax,jmax+1), v_error(imax,2:jmax)) allocate(p(imax,jmax), pprime(imax,jmax), aP(imax,jmax), aE(imax,jmax), aW(imax,jmax), aN(imax,jmax), & & aS(imax,jmax), b(imax,jmax), psi(imax,jmax), p_temp(imax,jmax), p_error(imax,jmax)) !initial guess values - p*, u_g, v_g, p' p = 0.0 pprime = 0.0 u = 0.5 v = 0.5 !setting the p' value zero at cell 1 pprime(1,1) = 0.0 !boundary conditions falling at the cell centers of u and v control volumes do j = 1, jmax u(1,j) = U_W u(imax+1,j) = U_E end do do i = 1, imax v(i,1) = V_S v(i,jmax+1) = V_N end do !u BCs which fall on 'v' cell centers and v BCs which fall on 'u' cell centers U_S = 0.0 U_N = 1.0 V_W = 0.0 V_E = 0.0 10 FORMAT('Iteration',T12, 'u-velocity @ (',I3,',',I3,')') 20 FORMAT(I8,T12,F12.6) 30 FORMAT(/'Iteration',T15,'c-residual',T30,'u-residual',T45,'v-residual'/) 40 FORMAT(I5,T15,e12.6,T30,e12.6,T45,e12.6) 50 FORMAT(/'Iteration',T10,'aP',T20,'aE',T30,'aW',T40,'aN',T50,'aS'/) 60 FORMAT(I5,T10,f10.6,T20,f10.6,T30,f10.6,T40,f10.6,T50,f10.6) 70 FORMAT(/I6,T7,I10,T20,'u-error:'e15.6,T55,'u =',T58,f12.6/) 75 FORMAT(/I6,T7,I10,T20,'v-error:'e15.6,T55,'u =',T58,f12.6/) 80 FORMAT(/I6,T7,I10,T20,'p''-error:'e15.6,T55,'u =',T58,f12.6/) 90 FORMAT(1000(f15.6,',')) open(4, FILE = 'iter vs u_vel.txt') write(4,10),imax/2,jmax/2 open(5, FILE = 'aP_etc_u-vel.xlsx') do while(iter<1000) iter = iter+1 !coefficients for u momentum equation over u control volumes do j = 1, jmax do i = 2, imax !calculating convective fluxes at the faces of the 'u' control volumes Fe = rho*del_y*(u(i+1,j) + u(i,j))/2 Fw = rho*del_y*(u(i,j) + u(i-1,j))/2 Fs = rho*del_x*(v(i-1,j) + v(i,j))/2 Fn = rho*del_x*(v(i-1,j+1) + v(i,j+1))/2 !adding the pressure gradient terms to b if (j == 1) then u_aE(i,j) = De + max(-Fe,0.0) u_aW(i,j) = Dw + max(Fw,0.0) u_aN(i,j) = Dn + max(-Fn,0.0) u_aS(i,j) = 0 u_aP(i,j) = u_aE(i,j) + u_aW(i,j) + u_aN(i,j) + Fe - Fw + Fn + 2*Ds u_b(i,j) = (2*Ds + Fs)*U_S + (p(i-1,j) - p(i,j))*del_y else if (j == jmax) then u_aE(i,j) = De + max(-Fe,0.0) u_aW(i,j) = Dw + max(Fw,0.0) u_aN(i,j) = 0 u_aS(i,j) = Ds + max(Fs,0.0) u_aP(i,j) = u_aE(i,j) + u_aW(i,j) + u_aS(i,j) + Fe - Fw - Fs + 2*Dn u_b(i,j) = (2*Dn - Fn)*U_N + (p(i-1,j) - p(i,j))*del_y else u_aE(i,j) = De + max(-Fe,0.0) u_aW(i,j) = Dw + max(Fw,0.0) u_aN(i,j) = Dn + max(-Fn,0.0) u_aS(i,j) = Ds + max(Fs,0.0) u_aP(i,j) = u_aE(i,j) + u_aW(i,j) + u_aN(i,j) + u_aS(i,j) + Fe - Fw + Fn - Fs u_b(i,j) = (p(i-1,j) - p(i,j))*del_y end if end do end do !coefficients for v* momentum equation over staggered control volumes for v do j = 2, jmax do i = 1, imax !calculating convective fluxes at the faces of the 'v' control volumes Fe = rho*del_y*(u(i+1,j) + u(i+1,j-1))/2 Fw = rho*del_y*(u(i,j) + u(i,j-1))/2 Fs = rho*del_x*(v(i,j) + v(i,j-1))/2 Fn = rho*del_x*(v(i,j) + v(i,j+1))/2 !adding the pressure gradient terms to b if (i == 1) then v_aE(i,j) = De + max(-Fe,0.0) v_aW(i,j) = 0 v_aN(i,j) = Dn + max(-Fn,0.0) v_aS(i,j) = Ds + max(Fs,0.0) v_aP(i,j) = v_aE(i,j) + v_aN(i,j) + v_aS(i,j) + Fe + Fn - Fs + 2*Dw v_b(i,j) = (2*Dw + Fw)*V_W + (p(i,j-1) - p(i,j))*del_x else if (i == imax) then v_aE(i,j) = 0 v_aW(i,j) = Dw + max(Fw,0.0) v_aN(i,j) = Dn + max(-Fn,0.0) v_aS(i,j) = Ds + max(Fs,0.0) v_aP(i,j) = v_aW(i,j) + v_aN(i,j) + v_aS(i,j) - Fw + Fn - Fs + 2*De v_b(i,j) = (2*De - Fe)*V_E + (p(i,j-1) - p(i,j))*del_x else v_aE(i,j) = De + max(-Fe,0.0) v_aW(i,j) = Dw + max(Fw,0.0) v_aN(i,j) = Dn + max(-Fn,0.0) v_aS(i,j) = Ds + max(Fs,0.0) v_aP(i,j) = v_aE(i,j) + v_aW(i,j) + v_aN(i,j) + v_aS(i,j) + Fe - Fw + Fn - Fs v_b(i,j) = (p(i,j-1) - p(i,j))*del_x end if end do end do !solving the u* momentum equation it = 0 do it = it + 1 do j = 1, jmax do i = 2, imax u_temp(i,j) = u(i,j) end do end do do j = 1, jmax do i = 2, imax u(i,j) = (u_aE(i,j)*u(i+1,j) + u_aW(i,j)*u(i-1,j) + u_aN(i,j)*u(i,j+1) + u_aS(i,j)*u(i,j-1) + & & u_b(i,j) + (1 - alpha_u)*u_aP(i,j)*u(i,j)/alpha_u)*alpha_u/u_aP(i,j) end do end do do j = 1, jmax do i = 2, imax u_error(i,j) = abs(u(i,j) - u_temp(i,j)) end do end do r = maxval(u_error) write(*,70),iter,it,r,u((imax/2),(jmax/2)) if(r < 1e-9) exit end do !solving the v* momentum equation it = 0 do it = it + 1 do j = 2, jmax do i = i, imax v_temp(i,j) = v(i,j) end do end do do j = 2, jmax do i = 1, imax v(i,j) = (v_aE(i,j)*v(i+1,j) + v_aW(i,j)*v(i-1,j) + v_aN(i,j)*v(i,j+1) + v_aS(i,j)*v(i,j-1) + & & v_b(i,j) + (1 - alpha_v)*v_aP(i,j)*v(i,j)/alpha_v)*alpha_v/v_aP(i,j) end do end do do j = 2, jmax do i = 1, imax v_error(i,j) = abs(v(i,j) - v_temp(i,j)) end do end do r = maxval(v_error) write(*,75),iter,it,r,u((imax/2),(jmax/2)) if(r < 1e-9) exit end do !calculating u residual temp = 0 do j = 1, jmax do i = 2, imax temp = temp + abs(u_aP(i,j)*u(i,j) - (u_aE(i,j)*u(i+1,j) + u_aW(i,j)*u(i-1,j) + & & u_aN(i,j)*u(i,j+1) + u_aS(i,j)*u(i,j-1) + u_b(i,j))) end do end do u_residual = temp/((imax-1)*jmax) !calculating v residual temp = 0 do j = 2, jmax do i = 1, imax temp = temp + abs(v_aP(i,j)*v(i,j) - (v_aE(i,j)*v(i+1,j) + v_aW(i,j)*v(i-1,j) + & & v_aN(i,j)*v(i,j+1) + v_aS(i,j)*v(i,j-1) + v_b(i,j))) end do end do v_residual = temp/(imax*(jmax-1)) !coefficients for pressure correction equation do j = 1, jmax do i = 1, imax !de = d_u(i+1,j) !dw = d_u(i,j) !dn = d_v(i,j+1) !ds = d_v(i,j) if(i == imax) then d_u(i+1,j) = 0 else d_u(i+1,j) = del_y/u_aP(i+1,j) end if if (i == 1) then d_u(i,j) = 0 else d_u(i,j) = del_y/u_aP(i,j) end if if(j == jmax) then d_v(i,j+1) = 0 else d_v(i,j+1) = del_x/v_aP(i,j+1) end if if(j == 1) then d_v(i,j) = 0 else d_v(i,j) = del_x/v_aP(i,j) end if aE(i,j) = rho*d_u(i+1,j)*del_y aW(i,j) = rho*d_u(i,j)*del_y aN(i,j) = rho*d_v(i,j+1)*del_x aS(i,j) = rho*d_v(i,j)*del_x aP(i,j) = aE(i,j) + aW(i,j) + aN(i,j) + aS(i,j) b(i,j) = rho*(-u(i+1,j)*del_y + u(i,j)*del_y - v(i,j+1)*del_x + v(i,j)*del_x) end do end do !storing u_aP, u_aE, u_aW, u_aN, u_aS for a u cell in the center if(mod(iter,10) == 1)write(5,50) write(5,60),iter,u_aP(imax/2,jmax/2), u_aE(imax/2,jmax/2), u_aW(imax/2,jmax/2), & & u_aN(imax/2,jmax/2), u_aS(imax/2,jmax/2) !calculating continuity residual temp = 0 do j = 1, jmax do i = 1, imax temp = temp + abs(b(i,j)) end do end do c_residual = temp/(imax*jmax) if(mod(iter,10) == 1) write(*,30) write(*,40),iter, c_residual, u_residual, v_residual if((u_residual + v_residual + c_residual) < tolerance) then write(*,*),'the solution is converged' exit end if !solving pressure correction equation it = 0 do it = it + 1 do j = 1, jmax do i = 1, imax p_temp(i,j) = pprime(i,j) end do end do do j = 1, jmax do i = 1, imax if(i == 1 .AND. j == 1) cycle pprime(i,j) = (aE(i,j)*pprime(i+1,j) + aW(i,j)*pprime(i-1,j) + aN(i,j)*pprime(i,j+1) + & & aS(i,j)*pprime(i,j-1) + b(i,j))/aP(i,j) end do end do temp = 0 do j = 1, jmax do i = 1, imax p_error(i,j) = abs(pprime(i,j) - p_temp(i,j)) end do end do r = maxval(p_error) write(*,80),iter,it,r,u((imax/2),(jmax/2)) if(r < 1e-8) exit end do !correcting pressure do j = 1, jmax do i = 1, imax p(i,j) = p(i,j) + alpha_p*pprime(i,j) end do end do !correcting u velocities do j = 1, jmax do i = 2, imax u(i,j) = u(i,j) + d_u(i,j)*(pprime(i-1,j) - pprime(i,j)) end do end do !correcting v velocities do j = 2, jmax do i = 1, imax v(i,j) = v(i,j) + d_v(i,j)*(pprime(i,j-1) - pprime(i,j)) end do end do if(mod(iter,100) == 1)write(4,20),iter,u(imax/2,jmax/2) b = 0 temp = 0 do j = 1, jmax do i = 1, imax b(i,j) = -u(i+1,j) + u(i,j) - v(i,j+1) + v(i,j) temp = temp + b(i,j) end do end do temp = temp/(imax*jmax) write(*,*)'Mass imbalance after velocity correction is',temp end do close(4) close(5) write(*,*),'the u velocities at cell centers after',iter,'iterations are:' open(1, FILE = 'u.vel.txt') do j = 1, jmax write(*,'(1000f10.6)'),(u(i,j), i = 1, imax+1) write(1,'(1000f10.6)'),(u(i,j), i = 1, imax+1) end do close(1) write(*,*),'the v velocities at cell centers after',iter,'iterations are:' open(2, FILE = 'v.vel.xlsx') do j = 1, jmax+1 write(*,90),(v(i,j), i = 1, imax) write(2,90),(v(i,j), i = 1, imax) end do close(2) write(*,*),'the pressure at cell centers after',iter,'iterations are:' open(3, FILE = 'presure.txt') do j = 1, jmax write(*,'(1000f10.6)'),(p(i,j), i = 1, imax) write(3,'(1000f10.6)'),(p(i,j), i = 1, imax) end do close(3) deallocate(u, u_temp, u_aP, u_aE, u_aW, u_aN, u_aS, u_b, d_u) deallocate(v, v_temp, v_aP, v_aE, v_aW, v_aN, v_aS, v_b, d_v) deallocate(p, pprime, aP, aE, aW, aN, aS, b, psi, p_temp) end program |
November 18, 2017, 11:58 |
#2 |
Senior Member
hope my code will give you some hints
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