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Tecplot 360 2017 Release 2

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Old   August 28, 2017, 03:08
Default Tecplot 360 2017 Release 2
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Andhra Pradesh
Join Date: Aug 2014
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Tecplot 360 2017 Release 2

The many improvements in Tecplot 360 2017 Release 2 add up to major benefits for Tecplot customers. Highlights of this release include:

Enhanced Fluent Loader

Significantly improved performance and reduced memory requirements for data with shared grids (typically time-dependent solutions).
Fluent Additional Quantities can now be loaded.
Variables in symmetry zones can now be loaded.
Fluent variable name map updated to give more variables meaningful names.
Increased responsiveness and progress feedback while reading Fluent data.
In our test using a transient solution with 30 time steps of about 1 million data points each, time to first image fell from just over 74 seconds to under 4 seconds (a reduction of 95%), and memory use was cut by 93% (both compared to Tecplot 360 2017 R1).

Fluent Loader Benchmark
Tecplot Release Time to First Image Memory Usage
2017 R1 74.2 seconds 3.86 GB
2017 R2 3.7 seconds – 95% faster! 265 MB – 93% less memory used!
Expanded PyTecplot APIs

PyTecplot, Tecplot’s Python API, has expanded to cover Interpolate, 2D and 3D vectors, Streamlines, View adjustments, Contour and line legends, 3D orientation axis, Auxiliary data, Node map, face map, and face neighbor information, Solution time for transient data and Slice extraction.

Improved SZL Server Performance

SZL Server, Tecplot’s client-server module, supports two-factor authentication and password authentication for SSH connections. Performance for data sets with a large number of zones has also been improved. In our test involving a 681-million-cell simulation with 81 time steps accessed from Tecplot SZL Server over a SSH-tunneled connection, the time needed to open the file and display all time steps in sequence was cut in half, from 1,737 seconds to 834 (compared to Tecplot 360 2017 R1).

SZL Server Benchmark
Tecplot Release Time to First Image Plus Animating Through 81 Time Steps
(with Encrypted “Tunneled” Connection)
2017 R1 1737 seconds
2017 R2 834 seconds – twice as fast!
Integrated Q-Criterion Calculation

Q-Criterion, a method for vortex identification, is now built into Tecplot 360’s CFD Analyzer. This integration makes the calculations faster, more memory efficient and easier to use. In our test using a Plot3D data set with 5,800 zones and 263 million cells, calculating Q-Criterion using Calculate Variables was more than 6 times (84%) faster than a macro we provide for the calculation (from nearly 47 minutes to 7 minutes and 20 seconds). Using a SZL file format further reduced the time required by 22%.

Q-Criterion Benchmark
Method Plot3D File Format
Time to Calculate SZL File Format
Time to Calculate
Macro File 46 minutes 57 seconds n/a
Optimized Macro 11 minutes 5 seconds 9 minutes 21 seconds – 15% faster with SZL!
CFD Analyzer 7 minutes 20 seconds
– 84% faster than Macro File! 5 minutes 43 seconds – 22% faster with SZL!
TecIO Writes Individual Zones in Excess of 2 Billion Nodes

The TecIO library is provided to allow third-party applications to read and write Tecplot file format. The library now includes an easier-to-use API for writing SZL files. The new release of TecIO supports 64-bit indexing which allows individual zones to exceed two billion nodes! The new API is also more flexible in the order in which it accepts data, which can help lower the amount of memory needed to write files.

“If you still think that Tecplot can’t handle big data, take a look at the new TecIO API” said Scott Fowler, Tecplot Product Manager, “TecIO now supports 64-bit indexing, which allows the writing of individual zones in excess of 2 Billion (yes, with a ‘B’) nodes!”
Chorus has Improved Ability to Investigate Trends

Chorus, included in Tecplot 360 2017 for exploring large data sets composed of multiple solutions or experiments, has improved the ability to learn more about data trends by allowing the use of variables to define the line color and symbol shape. Mobile/Whatsapp:+91 8106944001
Trail Download:

Last edited by manohar1487; August 28, 2017 at 08:25. Reason: Include Email ID, Trail download link
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