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Modeling toxic material transport in open environment, but closer to buildings

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Old   August 31, 2016, 06:30
Default Modeling toxic material transport in open environment, but closer to buildings
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Sana Ullah
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Hi All,

I have a problem in hand, where I have to model toxic material transport in open environment involving wind, but releasing from some hole in a large scale building.
This toxic material could be heavy gases, particles or aerosols, or a mixture of all.
Further, I have to setup some kind of suction system around that building, which can capture this leaking material.
So the objective is to capture toxic material leaking from a building using an appropriately designed suction system, and calculate the capture efficiency
PS: building height, and width is about 80 meters, the domain size in wind direction is more than 1 km.

My question is, which strategy you think is appropriate or better to model this phenomena

(1) Simulate the flow first and then use passive scalar transport in that flow...
(2) Simulate the flow first and then use lagrangian particle tracking (assuming no particle influence on flow)
(3) Simulate the flow and particle transport simultaneously taking care of particle influence on flow also.
(4) Simulate using multiphase flow.

Hope someone can guide, and please let me know, if need more information.
Thank you
Mehar, Phd Scholar
KAIST, Korea
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Old   August 31, 2016, 06:51
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Filippo Maria Denaro
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your problem is quite complex and the tool depends on what you really wanto to achieve...

The flow is turbulent and the large scale problem prevent using DNS. I don't know if you can try LES. DNS and LES would require a simoultaneous solving of the particle motion.
Maybe URANS can be more affordable for you. However that means you have a statistically averaged velocity field so that a lagrangian tracking follows only the averaged velocity...

Some tracking methods on oceanographic flows use RANS simulation for pollution tracking...
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langrangian, mppicfoam, multiphase flows, passive scalar

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