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Problems implementing axisymmetric Method of Characteristics

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Old   June 3, 2016, 18:35
Default Problems implementing axisymmetric Method of Characteristics
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Pedro Nascimento
Join Date: Jun 2016
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I'm currently trying to implement the method of characteristics for axisymmetric irrotational compressible flow as part of a project of implementing Rao's method for the design of optimum thrust nozzle contours, but I've ran into some issues I hope you can shed some light on.

We have the following governing equations:


Which yields the following characteristic equation:


And the following compatibility relation which is valid along the mach lines:


My issue is when implementing the unit process for an interior point, if the point from which the left-running characteristic originates sits on the axis of symmetry, the term (a^{2}v/y) goes to infinity, so how should I treat this equation, should I consider that the whole term (a^{2}v/y) goes to zero, since on the symmetry axis we also have v=0 ?

Thank you, Pedro N
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Old   July 31, 2016, 02:43
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usv001 is on a distinguished road
Hi Pedro,

I am new to MOC myself but I have developed my own code for planar MOC successfully and I am trying to develop my own code for axisymmetric MOC as well. I just thought we could help each other.

To answer your question: No, the term a^2 v/y does not go to 0 in the limit of y\rightarrow0. It approaches \left(a^2V\frac{d\theta}{dy}\right)_{y=0} \ne 0. So, if you have a point very close to the axis where you know V, \theta and y, you can probably approximate the term by \frac{a^2V\theta}{y}.

I am facing a similar problem actually. I am working with the Mach number M and the flow angle \theta as my variables as opposed to u and v. Given the throat height (or mass flow rate) and design Mach number, how do you set up the initial conditions to kick-start the solution process? Unlike the planar case, the Riemann invariants K_{\pm} = \theta \mp \nu do not remain constant along the characteristics. So, how do you set up the starting characteristic when you have no characteristics to intersect it?

Many thanks.
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