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Radiative boundary condition

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Old   April 28, 2016, 16:53
Default Radiative boundary condition
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Greensboro, NC, USA
Posts: 30
Rep Power: 16
hossein65 is on a distinguished road
I am trying to simulate light distribution in an open channel with water, which is exposed to light (top boundary condition of Xw/m2). I am using DO model, non-gray (number of bands=1, 400-700nm), and the Angular Discretization is set on default. As far as the pond is exposed to light intensity, I set the top boundary condition as a was with the follwoing setup at Radiation tab:
BC type: Semi-transparent
Direct Irradiation: 50w/m2
apply direct irradition parallel to the beam is checked.
Beam direction: x=0, y=0 and z=-1 (because I want it to be exposed from the top)
diffuse irradiation = 0

My problem is that:
1-when the physical properties of the liquid in the channel regarding radiation is set to 0, when I set the direct irradiation to X W/m2, I get a 2X W/m2 on the top, after several time steps.
2-when I change the physical properties of water (like scattering and absorptio coefficients), I get a random number on the top, although I have set it to X W/m2 in boundary conditions tab.
How can I set all these to specific values and baiscally, how it works?
Hossein Amini
PhD student in Biochemical Engineering; Computational Science and Engineering department;
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
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ansys, fluent, light simulation, radiative transport, rte

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