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Civil Engineers and AutoCAD

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Old   February 26, 2009, 19:07
Default Civil Engineers and AutoCAD
Posts: n/a
Hi, I recently left the private sector, which I was in for 8 months, to join the public sector. I learned alot as a drafter/designer in my 8 months in the private sector, I now wish I would of stayed there so I could of continued learning. Now that I am in the public sector I have no knowledge to draw from, anyway that is not exactly why I am here only the background. I have recently realized the the engineers here know nothing about how to use autocad. It is very frustrating when I here that they are stationing things by hand (drawing concentric circles along the alignment then adding the dashes and stationing with lines and text), drawing diminsions by hand, doing profiles by hand, etc... When I know that all this is easily automated with AutoCAD. Though I know these things are possible my knowledge of how to do the more engineer type jobs is limited as I was only a drafter and was just starting to learn design and get more deeply into AutoCAD when I left the private sector. What I would like is a way to show them and our bosses that we are greatly uderutilizing AutoCAD and are in the end waisting alot of time. Since I do not have a vast knowledge of AoutoCAD to draw on I was hopeing to find some help from some of you who are more experianced. I am looking for a list of features that a civil engineer would use in autocad to complete a job. Yes I know this would be extensive but when you don't know whats out their its hard to look into what you should be learning. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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