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mesh engine for several software

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Old   July 29, 2008, 12:12
Default mesh engine for several software
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hello to everyone

i am working in a company base in south africa and we are working on defense simulations,

this period we would like to change our mesh engine and our solvers to new ones with new technologies.

we must simulate for cfd: 6dof, free surface, combustions, fsi and mostly very difficult cases. and for fem structural static non linear and high velocity impacts, (the radiosss and the ls dyna are very good for now)

well the problem is that we need to buy one pre proccesor for avery solver .... and we are thinking what to take

for solvers we are focus on cfd ace + and star cd for fem ls dyna, nastran, optistruct and radioss.

can anyone tell me which mesh engines are better ?

ansa pointwise hypermesh gridjen

cfd solvers

star cd cfd ace+ fluent

fem mesh engines to cover the cfd as well ..

thanks a lot jecil
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Old   July 30, 2008, 05:57
Default Re: mesh engine for several software
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The short answer is IcemCFD, but there is a lot more to it than that. Give me a call (I've e-mailed you my number).

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Old   July 30, 2008, 06:04
Default Re: mesh engine for several software
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why not pointwise or hypermesh? i hear that icem has a lot of bugs and i really never unterstand the way that this software works, and also is an ansys product which means that someday will lock on the ansys solvers..... so i believe a good explanation is very helpfull ....

anyway thanks a lot for the response

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Old   July 30, 2008, 06:22
Default Re: mesh engine for several software
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I understand that Hypermesh is aimed at FEM solvers, and I'm sure it is very good. However, you asked on a CFD forum, so I assumed you were primarily interested in CFD meshing. Icem is the Swiss army knife of CFD meshers, and is very versatile. Experienced users know how to side-step the bugs, so if they are still there I don't really know about them too much. Having said that, I also have a Gridgen / Pointwise license, and these codes provide very high quality meshes, something you will need for difficult cases. A concern is that Gridgen doesn't have a special export to CFD-ace's DTF format, so you may need some tricks to use Gridgen and Ace together. Having said that, Ace has an excellent mesher of its own, so perhaps this not such a serious concern.

Give me a call, will you? I can help you a lot more than this, but not on an open forum.
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Old   July 30, 2008, 08:01
Default Re: mesh engine for several software
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Why are you bothering to use a separate meshing package at all, if you already have a Star-cd license why not use Star-CCM+ for everything, the meshing is really good and if you don't have the physics you need you can always send the mesh over to star-cd?

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Old   July 30, 2008, 08:17
Default Re: mesh engine for several software
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If a hammer is all you have, everything around you starts to look like a nail ... CCM meshing is indeed very good, but there are some applications where you have special requirements. Also, if you are using more than one solver, you would like to be able to use the same mesh in another solver.

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Old   August 1, 2008, 03:42
Default Re: mesh engine for several software
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the main problem is when you have more than one solve.... then main mesh engine should work with every solver, if you know the examble with ansys products you will unterstand, what i mean? lets say that in 2006 when fluent start a collaboration with abaqus with mpcci as a coupling software, then everybody run and took fluent and abaqus.... after a year the fluent become part of ansys and aba of dassault, then the idea of coupling the software went off. if you remember the cfx mesh when cfx was a company and not a part of ansys the cfx could take files from every software now only from ansys, so we do not like a lot to have a company that control us, then you need a big budget for softwares.... we need a software that runs with as many solvers because there is not a solvers best to any case, star cd is very good in one field but cfd ace in another so if you want the bast analysis you should work with the both solvers, but you need only one mesh engine because it is very difficult to mesh twice......

thanks a lot jecil
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Old   January 17, 2012, 05:33
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Majid S.
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well just fyi - ACE+ comes with CFD-VisCART and CFD-GEOM
CFD-VisCART is an advanced automatic meshing tool that can decrease meshing time from weeks to hours, using polyhedral cells. it runs in parallel for single domain meshing
CFD-GEOM, is for traditional tetrahedral and hexahedral meshing. It comes with improved IGES format reader, supporting many additional geometrical entities and new surface topologies.
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Old   January 18, 2012, 05:27
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Vangelis Skaperdas
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Hi Jecil,

I would recommend ANSA.
It has numerous CFD and FEA solver I/Os,
generates high quality meshes on the most complex geometries and contains all the tools that are necessary to create a CAE model, starting from geometry input and clean up, meshing, morphing and complete case solver setup.

Best regards,

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