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Swirling FLow

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Old   February 13, 2008, 06:10
Default Swirling FLow
Parag Gadgil
Posts: n/a
1. I am simulating a 3D-Swirling flow using Fluent using k-epsilon at 140 m/s. Idea is to increase the mass flow rate by keeping the swirl to maximum possible value. 2. As suggested in Fluent one has to add swirl component in small steps to maintain the solution stability. 3. At about 20% of swirl i am getting the best results. It means that the Magnitude of velocity reached for 20% swirl is the highest and so is the mass flow rate. 4. But at 40% of swirl the velocity magnitude is lower and so is the mass flow rate. 5. 20 % stands for tangential component is only 20% of the maximum tangetial velocity.

Can someone help me in interpreting these results and the phsics behind it.
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