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ICEM supercritical airfoil mesh (3d domain)

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Old   February 3, 2008, 07:38
Default ICEM supercritical airfoil mesh (3d domain)
Posts: n/a
Hello everybody!

I would like to know why after I have created a good mesh in my domain when I try to make the prisms layers on the solid wall, ICEM change the mesh (I think there is another smoothing procedure) and is not able to generate regular prism. At the end I get a mesh not regular anymore on the surfaces of the solid walls and the prisms are also completely irregular. Do you know if it is better generate a surface mesh and after that merge it with a volume one? Thanks in advance for all the kindly answers!

PS: I know that this problem is much more easy with a structured grid but I need to generate an unstructured one..

Thanks again

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Old   February 4, 2008, 08:19
Default Re: ICEM supercritical airfoil mesh (3d domain)
Posts: n/a
ICEM's approach is to tet mesh the volume, then later add prisms by pulling the tet-mesh away from the selected surfaces, then extruding the prisms back to the surface. So yes, this process alters the tets within the volume, as you commented. Within the Prism options, you can specify if you want ICEM to smooth the tet-mesh further before and after prisms. I believe ICEM defaults to some number of iterations of smoothing to be performed.

I, personally, an not aware of a means of surface prism meshing first, then tet meshing the remaining volume within ICEM. If anyone replies to you specifying how to do this in ICEM, kindly forward thier instruction to me! Thank You!
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Old   February 4, 2008, 09:20
Default Re: ICEM supercritical airfoil mesh (3d domain)
Posts: n/a

At first thanks for your answer, then of course I will forward you all the news in the way you ask me.

By the way I would like to know what do you mean with 'later add prisms by pulling the tet-mesh away from the selected surfaces, then extruding the prisms back to the surface'. I understood the first part but I didn't know what do you mean with 'extruding the prism back to the surface'.

I'll try to explain you my procedure: at first I created the volume mesh and after that I made the smoothing procedure; after this I selected the solid wall surface and I tried to create the Prisms (I made it a lot of time and always worked!!) and at the end I split the Prisms as i need.

As I already said, usually this works but in this case the Prism are not regular.

If you can explain a little bit more about the second part of your answer it could be very useful for me!

Thanks again


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