October 28, 1999, 14:20
Radial jet with free surface using FIDAP
Dear Sir, I just sent a message to J. Horwitz and I will re-send it now to you. My problem is a radial free jet with one free surface. I solved it with S.S. solution (converged in 11 itrs) and RESTART FIDAP to solve with N.R. solution based on the previous run (S.S.) because it was diverging with N.R. as a solver. When I did the RESTART job it has converged with N.R solution in just 2 Itrs. But all of that was at FIXED SURFAC in the PROBLEM definition in both the initial RUN and the RESTART. When I tryed to RESTART FIDAP one more time to solve for the FREE SURFACE (FREE in the PROBLEM definition) the solver abort the job. I continued with it to see waht's in the FDPOST, when I do that FIDAP abort the execution in a one or two second. The only thing I could read before the self termination is somthing about the DATA BASE and no results somthing like that. I'm totally frustrated, do you have any suggestion for me to get out this problem because I think the program should work and should get a solution for the FREE SURFACE as long as the solution of the FIXED SURFACE is there and correct. What do you think? Thanks Ahmed Hassaneen