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Viscous Dissipation or Similar

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Old   November 25, 2014, 04:54
Default Viscous Dissipation or Similar
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Hello Everyone

I am new here, so I hope I have put this in the right area, I also hope that I have asked this question on the right website/forum altogether.

I am currently studying in my spare time (just by myself, not through an institution) about heat transfer of fluids when they are shaken, I understand this is called "Viscous Dissipation".

Essentially I am trying to find a fluid that, when shaken heats rapidly. I am going down the Viscous Dissipation route as I am looking for this to occur again and again when the fluid is shaken. Rather than an initial reaction, happening only once. I don't have too much knowledge with Viscous Dissipation, but I would assume that there are different rates for different fluids?

I am open to ideas here. I have posted on a lot of other forums and I have not heard from anyone, so I am hoping that someone here may be able to help. Is there a specific 'class' or fluids that I should be concentrating on? Any ideas would be much appreciated.

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Old   November 25, 2014, 06:49
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Filippo Maria Denaro
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Originally Posted by mikeclegg View Post
Hello Everyone

I am new here, so I hope I have put this in the right area, I also hope that I have asked this question on the right website/forum altogether.

I am currently studying in my spare time (just by myself, not through an institution) about heat transfer of fluids when they are shaken, I understand this is called "Viscous Dissipation".

Essentially I am trying to find a fluid that, when shaken heats rapidly. I am going down the Viscous Dissipation route as I am looking for this to occur again and again when the fluid is shaken. Rather than an initial reaction, happening only once. I don't have too much knowledge with Viscous Dissipation, but I would assume that there are different rates for different fluids?

I am open to ideas here. I have posted on a lot of other forums and I have not heard from anyone, so I am hoping that someone here may be able to help. Is there a specific 'class' or fluids that I should be concentrating on? Any ideas would be much appreciated.


looking at the equations you will see the term in the kinetic energy and thermal energy. It depends on the molecular viscosity of the fluid as well as on the square of the velocity gradient. Therefore, even for the same fluid the dissipation depends on the regime of motion.
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