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Old   October 25, 1999, 05:04
Posts: n/a
Dear friends, I want to solve a problemn writen in Fortran 90 using a big computer runing under Unix system. Is there any modifications to do in order to run this programe under Unix system ? which kind of commends i have to write to compile and run the programme directly from my Pc. Thank you very much Cherif
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Old   October 25, 1999, 10:51
Default Re: UNIX AND PC
Patrick Godon
Posts: n/a
On what machine is your fortran code running presently? on your PC? under which system? (just using windows? or DOS? or you have unix running on your PC with Linux..?)

Are you going to connect with your PC on the big computer and work from there in the UNIX system of the big computer?

On what computer do you wish to compile and run your fortran code? (is it just a workstation? a Cray? or another supercomputer?) - what workstation? (IBM RISK, SPARC, SILICON GRAPHICS?? etc..).

The fortran compiler on each computer might be invoked by a different unix command. For example 'f77' might be used to run the code, or 'fc77' or something else. The options used for the compiling might also be different.

Are you using any library subroutine (ISML or something else) ?

Are you familiar with the Unix system and commands?

Are you familiar with compiling, linking, etc.. ?

You need to be more specific, so that we can understand exactly what is the problem.
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Old   October 25, 1999, 13:26
Default Re: UNIX AND PC
clifford bradford
Posts: n/a
i don't think you'll have much problems all you need to do is probably type: xlf90 'filename.f90' the F90 compiler varies from one unix system to another just access the man page for the compiler and read it. it's probably best to talk to your colleagues or system administrator to help you with this.
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