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Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

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Old   September 2, 2014, 14:32
Default Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
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Join Date: May 2013
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tjt is on a distinguished road

I am a bit stuck with some SPH code and hope somebody out there can help...

I have generated a geometry consisting of two spherical volumes formed of SPH particles. The spheres are different diameters and I am trying to calculate the curvature of the surface. I know that the curvature should be 1/radius but am not getting this result from my SPH code. I am getting the same curvature for each sphere so am trying to work out what I have messed up:-(

I am using the paper by Kelager as a guide - M. Kelager. Lagrangian fluid dynamics using smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Master’s thesis, University of Copenhagen, Department of Computer Science, 2006.

The curvature, k, is defined as the Laplacian of the color field divided by the norm of the gradient of the color field. (Eqn 4.29)

For the gradient, I am looping through all neighbour cells and summing

mass(j)/density(j) * grad_W * dx/|r| for the X dir gradient
mass(j)/density(j) * grad_W * dy/|r| for the Y dir gradient
mass(j)/density(j) * grad_W * dz/|r| for the Z dir gradient

This looks like it gives the correct answer

For the Laplacian of the color field I loop through neighbours and sum

mass(j)/density(j) * laplacian_W

Do I need to multiply this by something - if so what. It isn't defined in the paper...

I am using poly 6 kernel and have coded gradient and Laplacian functions as per the paper.

Any advice would be very gratefully received
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