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Flamelets: Flame front???

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Old   August 30, 2007, 11:22
Default Flamelets: Flame front???
Posts: n/a
Hi, I was wondering how the flame front is represented in a non-premixed CFD simulation when laminar flamelets are used?? Any help or advice on this would be very very much appreciated!

My current understanding is that once the mixture fraction, mixture fraction variance and scalar dissipation are calculated in a given cell, then these values can be used to determine the species concentrations etc. in the cell (from look up tables constructed based on flamelet library and PDF). But from what I can see although 1D flamelet equations are used to generate the look up tables, the complete flamelets are not actually represented in the CFD simulation, only one point in a flamelet is taken to calculate the species etc.

Please let me know if I have the completeley wrong understanding!!

However, is distribution of species within a cell, or the flame front distortion and area on a subgrid scale represented?
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