July 27, 2007, 10:28
Visualization tool for FLACS files
Hallo to everybody. My name is Rijad Sisic, and I'm working as senior teaching assistant at Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering (Department of mine ventilation, safety and ecology), University of Tuzla, Bosna and Herzegovina. I'm using CFD tools (FLUENT, FLACS) almost 5 years, mostly for design and simulations of underground mine ventilation details. Now I'm working on my PhD thesis, which is related to underground gas and dust explosions. Using FLACS code (code developed by Christian Michelsen Research Institute, Bergen, Norway), I got some interesting results, but now I have problem, and I'm hoping someone can help me. My license is expired and, at this moment, we are not in situation to renew it. I have a lot of data, finished simulations and I need some software to open this files. For post-processing FLACS software package have a module called FlowVis. Since I can't find any demo version of FlowVis, I can't use my results and keep working on PhD. If anybody knows where I can find some demo or partially functional FlowVis or similar visualization software that can open FLACS files, please let me know.