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A robust simulation management tool

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Old   April 19, 2014, 13:00
Default A robust simulation management tool
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Join Date: Jul 2012
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In automobile companies, the CFD group generally does more production jobs and less development work (sad but true). A lot of time goes in setting up and analyzing simulations that affect (directly or indirectly) the final product. Consequently, if something downstream (downstream of you reporting simulation data to some other individual/ group) goes wrong, then there has to be a way to trace the simulation data generated and reported.

I do this "management" using excel - although, I'm also looking into MS Access as a possible alternate. I also use excel to keep a track of the boundary conditions, material properties, etc and all the miscellaneous data that the customer has provided. As far as the reporting goes, MS powerpoint is the only tool available currently (AFAIK).

I was wondering if you could share what you use to keep a track of the simulations you guys may have done. Do you write code in SQL to keep create and maintain a database? Or do you use software similar to Teamcenter to help you keep trace simulations done long ago? If the latter, please share the name of the software/ softwares
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automobile, cfd, database management

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